Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: 11/22/63

Happy throwback Thursday! & Happy February! Guys it’s February! I can’t believe it, where did the month go? I am just feeling so good today, I don’t really know why, but I’m just spreading the love and the positivity! 😀

Today I’ll be looking at Stephen King’s 11/22/63.

This is probably one of my favourite King reads!

Read: May 2012
Rating: 5 stars


11/22/63 by: Stephen King: Stephen King is notorious for writing horror novels, but this time around this novel isn’t so scary, instead this is more intriguing. Jake Epping is just a normal high school English teacher from 2011, when bam his world has been turned upside down. His friend Al has a job has this crazy job for him; Jake is to go back in time and stop the assassination of JFK. Time travelling back to 1958 he lives his life as George Amberson and for five years he plots how he’s going to stop it. In the end is saving the president worth it? This novel painted a beautiful picture of how life was in the late 1950s early 60s. The plot really made the reader feel like they themselves were stepping into 1958, with the way King wrote. It was almost like learning a little history as well; knowing that this work of fiction was inspired by true events made it even more compelling to read. It was genius, and so worth reading, although it did get lengthy to read and King beat around the bush when it actually came time to seeing if he would stop the assassination.  Aside from the plot, the characters were so well crafted, and they came to life at the turn of each page. This novel was a really good read, that took the reader along for the ride as they time travelled with Jake.

8 thoughts on “Review: 11/22/63

  1. Wow! this book seems interesting. I love reading about Presidents and a fictional matter. For instance, Abraham Lincoln and the vampire hunter is one of a historical story that have fictional elements. I think you should read that book.

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  2. Great review for this book Meghan. I’d love to try a Stephen King book one day but I’m not a fan of horror so I think you actually recommend this one to me a little whole ago. It sounds brilliant and I love time travel books so I will definitely be adding this to my to-read list. It’s great to hear that the book was written in a way that made you feel like you were stepping back into the 1960’s, that’s kind of the whole reason I read time travel books in the first place! 😀

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