Photography · Travel

Photo Blog: Washington D.C., MD, USA

Hi friends, happy Friday! I hope you’ve all had a good week. Today I’m going to be showing off all the photos I took while on my vacation to Washington D.C. I had so many that I couldn’t add them all in my travel guide, so please enjoy! 😊

Read more: Photo Blog: Washington D.C., MD, USA

You can read my Travel Guide.

Day One

  • The White House
  • The Washington Monument
  • Political Buildings
  • Statutes and monuments

Day Two

  • Capitol Hill
  • The Wharf
  • The Lincoln Memorial
  • The World War II Memorial
  • Chinatown
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial
  • Misc. buildings, statues & scenery

Day Three

  • The Jefferson Memorial
  • Arlington National Cemetery
  • JFK’s Final Resting Place
  • The Tomb of the Uknown Solider
  • Arlington House
  • Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History

Day Four

  • The US Botanical Garden
  • Capitol Hill (again)
  • Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum

And there you have it! Thank you for viewing. Have you been to Washington D.C.? Visit any of the same places? Let me know in the comments below! 😄

4 thoughts on “Photo Blog: Washington D.C., MD, USA

  1. I love your pics! I got to go to DC for a day a couple of months ago and it was so cool. Got to see the Washington/Lincoln Memorials and the White House – it was so much smaller than I was expecting! I dragged my friends to the Smithsonian museum too because I wanted to see the dinosaurs and it was so much fun. Would have loved to have gone to the Botanical gardens, your pictures are so pretty. Hope you had a great time!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I did have a great time, sounds like you had a great time too, and that you got to see a lot! It was great to see so many things I’ve seen on TV in real life!

      Liked by 1 person

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