Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: The Ice Beneath Her

Hi friends, happy Monday – I hope you’re all doing well. Today I’m going to be posting my review of Camilla Grebe’s novel The Ice Beneath Her.

This novel was originally published in Swedish and was translated by Elizabeth Clark Wessel

The Ice Beneath Her

The Ice Beneath Her by: Camilla Grebe: When a woman is found dead and decapitated in the house of a famous CEO who has gone missing, questions are asked. When this starts to sound like a similar case ten years’ prior, detective Manfred Olsson, with his partner Peter Lindgren, reach out to a criminal profiler, Hanne Lagerlind-Schön; only Peter and Hanne have a past. This was a whirlwind of a novel that was definitely fast-paced and full of non-stop action. It was so easy to get sucked deep into the story; Grebe’s writing was gripping and gave the reader just enough that they needed to keep reading. The plot was thrilling and chilling; taking place in the dead of winter really gave this novel that extra frigid bitterness. Grebe did a great job of not only giving her readers the back story to the characters involved in the murder, but the backstory and subplot with the detectives really rounded this novel out and gave an extra layer and depth to it. The character development was so well done. The reader felt like they knew these characters and enjoyed getting to understand them deeper. The only thing that could have been better was the way this ended. It felt like it ended a little abruptly. The reader appreciated that it was more show less tell in the end because they could put the pieces together; but it also felt like a fragmented conclusion and the reader could have done with a cleaner resolution. Overall, this was such a great novel full of twists and turns that let the reader think and kept them guessing.  

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