Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Darkness Rising Trilogy

Hello, today I’m going to be reviewing Kelley Armstrong’s Darkness Rising trilogy.

I have to say I really like Kelley Armstrong’s writing. I didn’t think I would. I used to see ads for her books in the mall, and thought the novels looked too predictable (yeah I was a little judge-y ha) but I was wrong, and happy to be so! 🙂

The Gathering

The first novel in her Darkness Rising trilogy. The novel takes a while to get into, but once you get into it, it becomes really interesting. It’s a mystery novel almost with Maya, the main character who doesn’t know about her background until a strange guy named Rafe comes to their small island of Salmon Creek to let her know she’s a skin-walker. Not only is that going on but also Maya and her best friend Daniel are trying to find out why their friend Serena died. It’s an intense novel, and as much as there were many plot lines going on, it was easy to figure out what was going on. The only thing that wasn’t done well was the ending. It could have been written better, the novel just kind of ended. It’s in the middle of a plotline and the novel just ends forcing the reader, if they want to read on, to read the next book. Not really that great, but overall it’s worth the read.

The Calling

The second novel in the Darkness Rising trilogy. The reader literally jumps right into the action as the novel begins. It continues right where we left off in the first. A little later on the reader gets a refresher of the story. A handful of teenagers are being taken and their captors have gone to great lengths to make sure they appear to be dead. But the kids fight like hell through a helicopter crash, spending days in the woods trying to survive, and running from the people who want them. As the novel goes on there are many people after them and you can’t tell who the bad guys are anymore; or if they all are bad. Adding into the mix, they are all supernatural and that’s one reason why they are being targeted. It’s a great plot that carries throughout the novel; never once is the plot boring or slow, it’s all fast-paced. The author does a great job ending this novel that it feels almost complete, but you know there is more to come.

The Rising

The third, and final, novel in the Darkness Rising trilogy. The kids of Salmon Creek are still in danger because they still have people after them. Organizations that deal with supernaturals want them, and the kids are trying to get away. It isn’t until they run into another group of supernaturals where they strike a deal with the organization, letting them return to their families. It’s a non-stop novel, with action in every chapter, except for maybe the last. The plotline was very good; it kept the reader guessing ‘what’s going to happen?’ ‘Will they return to their families?’ The author also threw in some romantic plotlines that enhanced the story a little bit, and kept everything interesting. The ending hashed out all questions the reader might have. It felt a little rushed how it ended, but it still made for an okay ending. Overall, this was a good novel, and a good trilogy. It was also a fresh perspective having the novel set in Canada, not the US.

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