
The No Disclaimers Book Tag

Hello friends! Happy Thursday. I hope everyone is doing well. It’s been a loooooong time since I’ve done a book tag (I have to say that I’ve been very monotonous in my posts this year and I’m sorry about that, hoping to branch out of it soon). The lovely, The Orangutan Librarian tagged me in the No Disclaimer Tag, thank you so much! and I’m excited to get to it!

This tag came from Booktuber, Strange Storyteller.

Which trope(s) in books annoys you the most?

The “not like other girls” trope… can this not be a trope anymore? Honestly, I can’t stand girl hate.

Which writer(s) do you feel is overrated/overhyped?

Sarah J. Maas… her books are EVERYWHERE… like everywhere. I can’t escape them. I was going to buy her A Court of Thorns and Roses series, but everything that has recently gone down with her, I have to say I’m glad I didn’t buy them… even if the new hard covers looks really pretty.

Photo from Paperbackparis.com

What are your least favourite books youโ€™ve read since joining BookTube blogging? 

Hmm, I’m not usually a hype reader… it’s only been recently where I’ve been buying more hyped up books.

Years ago I bought Caraval by: Stephanie Garber because everyone was screaming about it… and I would be lying if I said the cover wasn’t pretty… super gorgeous! But! This book didn’t really live up to the hype for me. I decided to take the next book out from the library… and I LOVED that book but I’m still sad the first didn’t live up to the hype for me.

What is a terrible ending that ruined an otherwise quality book?

I recently finished The Dead Zone by: Stephen King, and after a great, slow build up the ending was just not it. It felt like a let down and a little cheap โ€“ it was still a good book, but meh ending.

Which fictional character(s) do you wish was not killed off?

To be honest, there are probably loads of deaths that I’ve not agreed with… but at this moment I’m drawing a COMPLETE blank… no idea why… maybe it’s the fact that I don’t want to think of death, but I’m just going to leave this blank.

What are some of your bookish pet peeves?

I’m not sure if this means about physical books or about the stories, but something that drives me crazy is folding pages in books and cracking spines. I know a lot of people don’t see the big deal about it, but it just really bothers me. I think I’ve mentioned it before but I’m that person who unfolds dog-eared pages in library books ๐Ÿ˜…

What are some books you feel should have more recognition?

I just finished Butter Honey Pig Bread by: Francesca Ekwuyasi and wow โ€“ it was heavy but really good at working out childhood trauma, it was such a good read. I haven’t seen it talked about much and I think more people should read it because the relationships were so raw, not always open, but these characters learn how to get there and I really enjoyed reading it. It left this hopeful feeling, that there is still time to make amends.

What are your thoughts on censorship and banning books?

I don’t think books should be banned or censored. I feel like banning or censoring a book is like trying to erase and get rid of voices and that’s not fair. Everyone deserves to have their story told, if you don’t like it… don’t read it… quite simple if you ask me.

I also think schools banning books about whatever subject is dumb because kids will find a way to read it anyways.

My only opposition to banned books is if the book is completely hurtful then it should be banned.

Who do you tag?

YOU! I’m not going to tag anyone specifically โ€“ if you see this tag and want to do it feel free to give it a go and tag me so I can see your answers!

8 thoughts on “The No Disclaimers Book Tag

  1. I kind of agree with you about SJM. I loved Throne of Glass, but the quality of her writing started deteriorating after Queen of Shadows. It finished out well, but the ending just wasn’t as good as it could have been. The same thing happened with A Court of Thorns and Roses, but after reading A Court of Silver Flames, I can confirm that the drop in quality was much steeper. I actually might not read the next installment.

    As for character deaths, how about Hedwig?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve heard that series starts off really good and kinda declines over time. I have no desire to want to read it though. I thought about re-reading A Court of Thorns and Roses series, but I don’t think I will, I agree those books kinda declined too.

      Oh, that’s a good one!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s definitely true of ACOTAR. The ending of the original trilogy was alright, but Maas seems to have a recurring “low stakes” problem, in which the main characters don’t have to sacrifice or lose very much in order to live happily ever after. Say what you want about JK Rowling as a person, but she was a great writer. The main characters in HP lost people who were important to them and to the readers.

        Of course Hedwig counts as a person. (My mom told me she almost stopped reading after Hedwig died.) Fred Weasley destroyed me too, and there were two deaths in Grishaverse that reduced me to tears.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yeah, that doesn’t leave for a very satisfying ending.
        Yes, there were quite a few deaths in HP that were sad, Fred Weasley was a particular sad one.


  2. Oh yeah “not like other girls” doesn;t work for me. I’ve ended up with mixed feelings about SJM books, so don’t blame you for avoiding them. And I completely agree with you about caraval- it had a gorgeous cover, but I was underwhelmed. Great answers!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, and thank you again for tagging me! ๐Ÿ˜Œ
      I honestly wish that trope would die already! Like come on authors, please stop!
      I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought that about Caraval!


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