
Bookish Smash or Pass Tag

Hi friends, happy Tuesday, I hope you’re all well! Today I’m coming at you guys with a book tag! It’s been so long since I’ve done one so thank you so much to Jan @Inkspun Tales for tagging me in this! 😊

Read more: Bookish Smash or Pass Tag

Bookish Tropes

Smash – ish. It depends on the trope. I love a good fake dating trope or enemies to lovers, but the not like other girls is a trope I loathe. So yeah, it truly depends on the trope.

Alternating POV

Smash – I enjoy when we get to see different points of view. I just don’t like when it happens too fast. I read a book earlier this year where every 2-3 pages the POV would change and it was SO hard to keep up. But for the most part I enjoy it!

Ambiguous Endings

Pass – this is a hard pass for me. I don’t like when it feels I read everything for nothing or to get to the end with no clear ending, it just bothers me.


Smash – I enjoy a good non-fiction book; they really open my eyes to other topics that I may never explore. And reading memoirs are also a breath of fresh air, reading true stories.

Historical Settings

Smash and pass? – I don’t know how to answer this one because I’m not one for historical fiction. I don’t mind reading it every once in a while, but a book that has a historical setting, but set in today’s world might be cool.

Morally Grey Characters

Smash – Oh yes, this is 100% a smash. I love when characters aren’t all good or bad and they’ve got all these layers, SO good!

First Person POV

Smash – Oh yeah, I smash that. I enjoy a good first pov to get into the character’s head.


Smash – I’ve really come to love audiobooks this year. I like listening to one before bed because it just puts my mind at ease, so I’m really happy to have given them a chance.


Smash – Every once in a while it’s good to return to a place I love. I love to re-read the Picture of Dorian Gray every year.

Classic Novels

Smash – I’m currently starting to get into reading more classics and have started a project where I’m reading a chapter a day of a classic novel. Currently I’m reading Pride and Prejudice.


Pass – I’m not into this. I know that this has become a big thing in the bookish world, but I just can’t be bothered.

Cracking Book Spines

Pass – I also hate breaking the spine. I think it makes a spine look really ugly,


Pass – I’m going to pass on this too. I’m not a big fan of smut and I can do without it in my books.

Character Driven Books

Smash – I’ll smash this because sometimes a really good, layered character is fun to read.

Past/Present Split Timeline

Smash – I’ll smash this one too because when done well, this is interesting to read.

Heavy World Building

Smash – I’ll smash this one too because, again, when done well it can really immerse the reader in the book.

This was a lot of fun, thank you again Jan for tagging me! I’m not going to tag anyone, but if you see this and want to do it, consider yourself tagged! 😊

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