TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Black Mirror Season Four

Happy Tuesday!  Welcome back to TV Tuesday, today I’m going to be gabbing all about the fourth season of Black Mirror. I would let you know how season 4 started, if only I had watched it in the correct order. So Netflix has the past 3 seasons starting with the last episode first, so I…… Continue reading Let’s Talk About… Black Mirror Season Four

TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Black Mirror Season Three

Happy Tuesday!  Welcome back to TV Tuesday, today I’m going to be gabbing all about the third season of Black Mirror. This season has really brought the show into its own. This season really deals with heavy topics, not that past seasons were light, but these topics felt more real and tangible. So this season starts…… Continue reading Let’s Talk About… Black Mirror Season Three

TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Black Mirror Season Two

Happy Tuesday!  Welcome back to TV Tuesday, today I’m going to be gabbing all about the second season of Black Mirror. This season starts off so good! That first episode started off really cute… then got really weird quite fast. Ash and his girlfriend Martha live together and they’re really cute, but one day he dies…… Continue reading Let’s Talk About… Black Mirror Season Two

TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Black Mirror Season One

Happy Tuesday! The first TV Tuesday of the year! Starting the year off with a new TV show, today I’m going to be gabbing all about the first season of Black Mirror. I was going to write all the seasons of Black Mirror together in one post because the seasons are so short (3 episodes in…… Continue reading Let’s Talk About… Black Mirror Season One

TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… The Crown Season Two

Hello! Welcome back to TV Tuesday! Today I’m going to be talking all about season two of Netflix’s The Crown. Season two starts with Elizabeth and Philip fighting and trying to make things work. Well they seem to make up quite quickly because scenes later they are back to being in love, which is so much…… Continue reading Let’s Talk About… The Crown Season Two


Let’s Talk About… The Crown Season One

Hello! Welcome back to TV Tuesday! Today I’m going to be talking all about season one of Netflix’s The Crown. Who knew that the royal family was so scandalous? I have to admit that I didn’t really get into this show until about the third episode, that’s when it really started to get very interesting. It’s…… Continue reading Let’s Talk About… The Crown Season One

TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Brooklyn Nine Nine Season Five

Hi guys! Happy Tuesday! Today I’m going to be talking all about season five of Brooklyn Nine Nine. The season starts with Jake and Rosa in prison. We don’t really get to see Rosa much, the only time we see her is when Terry and Holt go to visit her, and she makes them do…… Continue reading Let’s Talk About… Brooklyn Nine Nine Season Five

TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Brooklyn Nine Nine Season Four

Hi guys! Happy Tuesday! Today I’m going to be talking all about season four of Brooklyn Nine Nine. Okay so we start the season in Florida… it’s only Holt and Jake because they are in hiding because the mofia are after them now. So they have to take on new personalities, Jake is Larry and…… Continue reading Let’s Talk About… Brooklyn Nine Nine Season Four

TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Brooklyn Nine Nine Season Three

Hi guys! Happy Tuesday! Today I’m going to be talking all about season three of Brooklyn Nine Nine. Damn, this season starts off with so much drama, I’m not really a fan of it all; it’s not as funny as some of the past plots. Weeeeell, it’s not Holt. I am so disappointed. The new…… Continue reading Let’s Talk About… Brooklyn Nine Nine Season Three