TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Black Mirror Season Three

Happy Tuesday!  Welcome back to TV Tuesday, today I’m going to be gabbing all about the third season of Black Mirror.

This season has really brought the show into its own. This season really deals with heavy topics, not that past seasons were light, but these topics felt more real and tangible.

So this season starts off with a bit of a strange reality. Everyone survives on ratings. Every interaction someone has with someone, it could be the barista at the coffee shop, to someone passing you by on the street, everyone gives a rating. With these ratings it increases your overall score, based on a five-star scale. The higher your rating, obviously the better off you are.

It’s quite a bizarre reality, but when you think about it, it feels like we’re heading in that direction. Everyone is so obsessed with likes, and follows and ratings on their videos, that living off ratings doesn’t seem so far-fetched.

Our main character Lacie is at a comfortable 4.2, but she aspires for more. The house she dreams of requires her to be at a 4.5 or higher so in order to boost her score she goes to people who already have a high score because their ratings weigh more. Her old best friend, Naomi is among them. When Lacie finds out that Naomi is getting married, Naomi automatically invites her to the wedding, even though the two haven’t spoken in years. To add to that, she makes Lacie her maid of honour. Talk about moving fast, but this will be good for Lacie as all the high rated people will be at the wedding.

Well this wedding is happening now, and Lacie has to get on a plane. This whole plot moved really fast, and I get why they had to do that since this story won’t continue in the next episode so there isn’t a lot of time to really let things play out.

Well when she gets rated badly on the way to the airport this causes her to be declined her flight because she’s not rated high enough for the flight. Talk about drama. Of course she freaks out, and this drops her rating even more. As she struggles to figure out how to get to Naomi, Naomi finds out her rating has dropped and she revokes her invitation, claiming it will ruin her ratings. Lacie is enraged and finds every way to get to the wedding to deliver her speech; and deliver her speech she does. This causes security to get her and put her in a cell.

This is where they take out the rating system from her body (since it’s somehow built in) and she gets into an argument with a man in a cell across from her and it’s refreshing to be a rating free conversation, showing that ratings can’t be everything.

The second episode was actually quite scary. The main character Cooper has left his home in New York to travel the world because he can’t deal with his mother now that his father has died. He ends up in England where things go wrong with his baking information and he needs money. A woman he met helps him find this job testing a video game that alters your reality… reality plays a big role this season.

This video game is supposed to bring all your fears to the forefront. They send him to this creepy mansion for the night, inject the chip into the back of his neck, and monitor him. Only he can see his fears so it starts with these jump scares of spiders and a weird guy he used to know. Soon when he starts to get really freaked out he tells them to stop, and it looks like they are going to take him out, but then they tell him, we can’t get you out and that’s when he starts to lose it mentally.  What we think is him getting out and going home to his mother, is really still part of the game because it shows his worst fear and that’s his mother having Alzheimer’s (which is what his father died from) and forgetting who he is. When his mother does call him on his cell phone this causes an interference in the test and causes him to convulse, said ‘call mom’ and die.

Really morbid, but really scary and makes us think about our worst fears and would we be able to face them if given the chance?

The third episode was probably the best so far. Even though it deals with some very tough subject matters (which isn’t new for the show), this episode they did it so well.

We meet Kenny, a boring teenager who looks like he’s never done a bad thing in his life, well. When he downloads a malware program to fix his infected computer it activates the camera and records him masturbating. He gets an email telling him they will send all his contacts the video. Freaking the fuck out, Kenny does what they ask of him. A first I’m not going to lie I felt bad for this kid, which I’m sure is what was expected of us the viewer. He meets a guy who gives him a package where he has to deliver it and that’s where he meets Hector. Hector is not interested in what Kenny has to say, but when the hackers start to email him, things get really real. Hector’s secret is his infidelity to his wife to a young hooker. If his wife were to find out his life would be over. So the two team up and do everything that is asked of them, that includes stealing a car, robbing a bank, then disposing the car.

Hector is to get rid of the car while Kenny is to drop off the money. Well when Kenny gets there he finds another guy and a drone… the drone is the hackers watching that they fight to the death. This is where we find out that the man watched child porn, and then it’s revealed so did Kenny! And your whole perspective of Kenny changes in an instant. I don’t know if they actually fight to the death, but Kenny has made it out, but does it matter as the hackers release everything they have on everyone. The episode ends on the police taking Kenny away, damn! It was kinda good to see these characters, especially Kenny, be tortured for their crimes because child porn is just a giant no, ugh. This definitely depicted this topic well.

The episode San Junipero was cute. It was such a cute concept. In San Junipero both Yorkie and Kelly meet. Yorkie is a shy girl who has a crush on Kelly but she doesn’t want to do anything about it, no matter the amount of times they come into contact with each other. Yorkie tells her that she’s engaged, but you can tell she’s not excited about it.

The two keep meeting throughout the years which really throws the viewer off because it’s this weird time jump, first they meet in the 80s, then the 90s and again in 2002.
Finally on one of their encounters they go back to Kelly’s beach house to get together, and Yorkie states it was her first time. I have to say that Yorkie is the absolute cutest. I love her as a character. I love how she outgrows her shyness.
But then they really throw the viewer off and we find out that San
Junipero is a simulated reality where the dead live and can experience life the way they wanted it and the living can go to visit. That’s when we learn that Yorkie is in a comma and has been since she was 21 because she crashed her car when she came out to her parents and it went horribly. It’s Yorkie’s dying wish to be euthanized and to live in San Junipero the rest of her days, but her family is so against it. This guy named Greg is ready to marry Yorkie so that he can authorize her euthanasia, but it’s Kelly who says she’ll do it.
When Kelly goes to visit Yorkie, Yorkie asks her to stay full time, the two fight as Kelly isn’t ready to stay full time. She leaves in her car and crashes it on purpose. This ends her stay for the week.

Lots of time passes and Kelly is ready to be euthanized and live in San Junipero with Yorkie.

Could you believe if that was real? You could live in this simulated reality when you die? That doesn’t sound bad to me.
The next episode, Men Against Fire, was super strange. This one I found hard to focus on. So you have Stripe and Hunter are part of this military that hunt down mutant humans that they call roaches. Each solider has this implant in them that enhances their scents for better hunting. But when an attack happens on a nest of roaches Stripe’s implant starts to glitch out. He’s deemed okay to continue but he’s still glitching out.
Now where his fellow hunters see roaches, Stripe sees humans, meaning he doesn’t want to kill them anymore. We find out that these “roaches” are actually survivors of a genocide, and the military are dead set on killing them based on propaganda in the media (this sounds awfully like our world). When Stripe tries to save a woman and her son it’s Hunter who tracks them down and kills the humans and knocks Stripe unconscious.
Well once he’s imprisoned we learn that he’s been working for a company who protect humanity. His punishment is to either get his implant replaced or to stay imprisoned and is forced to watch him kill those people over and over on loop.
The show then jumps to him being released with military honours and that his memory has been replaced. In his eyes you can see all these dreams he has but in reality he’s in shack.
This show seriously likes to mess with people’s perception of reality.
The last episode of the season, which was critically acclaimed is about a journalist who received a shit ton of hate mail through social media, then is found dead and her husband injured. At first it’s always the husband who did it, but tells them she cut her own throat with a wine bottle and cut him in the process as he tried to stop her, which sounds completely ridiculous.
The next day, a rapper gets a lot of hate for insulting a young fan and he has a seizure. He’s hospitalized, and given an MRI where they find this metal object in his brain and once removed, kills him.
That’s when they find out that that object was an Autonomous Drone Insect (ADI)which are artificial bees to counteract bees from suddenly leaving the queen bee. It was never meant to be used to harm people, but the company got hacked and therefore ends up being used for harm.
They look into and notice that these bees have been attacking people based on the hashtag #DeathTo combined with a facial recognition system these bees attack and kill.
The ADIs post a manifesto online stating that people should have to deal with their consequences instead of hiding behind a computer. That’s a rather harsh way to deal with things, by making people kill themselves?
They find a list of all the people who have been using the hashtag and realize that is the list in which the ADIs are going by to get people to kill themselves.
Talk about creepy, everything about this episode was just creepy and crazy. I don’t even want to imagine a world where this could be possible. I get that if you use a hashtag like that, you deserve to be reprehended  but not to die.
They believe they have gotten the code to turn it off, and it shuts it down… but only for a short time, then everyone on the list ends up dead because of this.
The show jumps back to the beginning of the episode where the cops who were investigating the case are on trial. The one is set to be believed that she committed suicide, but when her partner gets a text that says “got him” we realize that she has followed the leader of the ADIs and is probably planning to do something with him.
This season has definitely been a world wind of different themes, most of them scary and hope never come true, but some are sweet and aren’t as bad. This show has definitely shown that it’s not for everyone, but it pulls its viewers in whether they want it or not.

5 thoughts on “Let’s Talk About… Black Mirror Season Three

  1. Oh i loved season 3!
    Actually planning to re-watch the whole series, just need to convince the BF to watch it as well. I dunno why, i just really want him to like it. Haha. It’s not his sort of thing normally.

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