Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Unearthed

Hi friends, happy Monday, I hope you’re all doing well! Today I’m posting my review of Amie Kaufman and Megan Spooner’s novel Unearthed.


Unearthed by: Amie Kaufan & Megan Spooner: Humanity is dying on Earth, so when they intercept a message from an alien planet, Gaia, entailing how their planet’s advanced technology can be the answer to reversing all the damage done to Earth, they jump at sending people there. Jules Addison is student of alien culture and agrees to go for his studies, while Amelia Radcliff finds herself chosen to go. The two meet accidently and decide to form an alliance to help get the information they’ve both come to seek. But as their search for the technology continues, they soon start realize that things may not be what they seem on this planet and humanity might not be as saved as they thought. This was definitely an exciting and fun novel to read, even if it didn’t always start out that way. This novel kinda just drops the reader into this world, or this uninhabited planet, and we’re left to try and put everything together. It helped that there was a lot given to us, but it felt like it could be really wordy in the first half of the book. That made this a really slow read, and could be a bit of a slog to get through, especially with all the science lingo that went over this reader’s head. That and the fact that the chapters started off super long, really made it a chore to get through, but once we made it through that, things started to move fast and the plot really took off. Once the reader grasped the story and the plot, they really enjoyed the twists and turns this took because it was never really clear what was going to happen, so as soon as we got to the end, it felt shocking. This unfortunately ended on a cliff-hanger; we’re led to believe one thing, but it turns out, it could be something else, so now the reader just needs the next book to find out who these people could be and what’s going to happen next. The world building was good; the reader understood the concept, even if it did take time to figure out how everything worked together. The characters were really well developed and the reader liked how they worked together. This had a bit of an enemies to friends plot, but they really liked that they both had a different set of skills and how the realized they could use each other’s knowledge to get them out of the situation they were in. It made for a really good read. The secondary characters really brought the story to life with all the different things they threw at our main characters and how resilient they needed to be. In the end, it didn’t exactly wow this reader, but they enjoyed the ride this took them on. They look forward to the sequel and have high expectations for how everything is going to go down. As for this novel, it was a good introduction to this world and the reader can’t wait to read more.

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