Book Lists & Recommendations

Favourite Book Quotes of 2022

Hi friends and happy Tuesday, I hope you’re all well! Today I’m doing something different; last year I decided to start saving my favourite quotes from the books I was reading and today I’d like to share them with you!

Read more: Favourite Book Quotes of 2022

So I only started collecting quotes in June, so there aren’t as many as their could be, but here are my favourite quotes from June – December.

August’s brain tries “hi” and her mouth goes for “morning” and what comes out is,

One Last Stop by: Casey McQuiston

“Does it ever, like.. I don’t know. Make you lonely? To love somebody who can’t meet you there?”

She regrets it immediately, but Annie laughs.

“Sometimes. But, you know, that feeling? When you wake up in the morning and you have somebody to think about? Somewhere for hope to go? It’s good. Even when it’s bad, it’s good”

And August- well, August finds herself without a singe damn thing to say to that.

One Last Stop by: Casey McQuiston

The truth about wanting someone to kiss you for ages is, it rarely lives up to whatever you’ve imagined. Real kisses are messy, awkward, too dry, too wet, imperfect. August learned years ago that movie kisses don’t happen. The best you can hope for in a first kiss is to be kissed back.

One Last Stop by: Casey McQuiston

“It’s — you’re — God, Jane, it’s.. I want you, August says. It’s not eloquent or cool, but it’s true, finally. “Whatever it means, however you want me, as long as you’re here, that’s what it is to me, and maybe that sounds desperate, but I-“

She never gets to finish, because Jane’s yanking her in and kissing her, drinking down the rest of her sentence.

One Last Stop by: Casey McQuiston

“You’re, like, aligning yourself, you know? Aligning yourself with the energy of these desires. If you say I want this, I want that, the universe will only reflect back to you that you’re a person who wants things. Not has things.”

Scarborough by: Catherine Hernandez

“Love shouldn’t look like control.”

A Psalm of Storms and Silence by: Roseanne A. Brown

“It was the first time that I experienced that phenomenon of how time changes everything.

Everything becomes just a memory.”

Life in the City of Dirty Water by: Clayton Thomas-Müller

“You can never project your experience on anybody else. It trips you up. I do it to this day. I get agitated with what I see happening in the movement, but everybody is a product of their own environment and everybody’s reality is real to them.”

Life in the City of Dirty Water by: Clayton Thomas-Müller

“All people deserve to be loved and to love. And how they want to do that is none of anyone’s damn business.”

Life in the City of Dirty Water by: Clayton Thomas-Müller

“It was grotesque, the way I kept trying to save that relationship. Like trying to tuck an elephant into pants.”

Goodbye, Vitamin by: Rachel Khong

“Struggle and challenge, appreciation and gratitude narrow our focus, define our values and provide us with stillness necessary for grounding.”

From My Mother’s Back by: Njoki Nathani Wane

“The constant use of proverbs would be a reminder that even the difficult moments will soon pass: no matter how long the night, dawn will come.”

From My Mother’s Back by: Njoki Nathani Wane

“I can promise that all great opportunities in life follow some form of struggle.”

Flame in the Mist by: Renée Ahdieh

“”I believe the stars align so that souls can find one another. Whether they are meant to be souls in love or souls in life remains to be seen.”

Flame in the Mist by: Renée Ahdieh

“Failure is life’s greatest teacher, and the only way we truly fail is to learn nothing from the valleys we experience.”

Professional Troublemaker by: Luvvie Ajayi Jones

“One of those people so undaunted by the world that he would never think to be anything but nice.”

We Two Alone by: Jack Wang

*Note: A smiley face is an appropriate response to almost anything when you don’t know how else to reply.

Words on Bathroom Walls by: Julia Walton

“We’re just satellites that fell into each other’s orbit for a breath and then traveled on.”

The Princess and the Fangirl by: Ashley Poston

“Sometimes they aren’t. Sometimes the stories you want aren’t the ones you need, and the ones you need are the ones you never thought you’d like.”

The Princess and the Fangirl by: Ashley Poston

“I think there are people who come into your life, and you just know. For however long or short a time or however impossible it might seem-they’re important. Like a guiding star amid a storm.”

The Princess and the Fangirl by: Ashley Poston

“When we met, I felt there were no walls between us. That you were someone I could speak freely with. I’d like us to be friends.”

Daughter of the Moon Goddess by: Sue Lynn Tan

“Was this where all paths to love led? Heartbreak, whether through separation, betrayal, or death? Was the fleeting joy worth the sorrow that came after? I supposed it depended on the strength of the love, the memories made”

Daughter of the Moon Goddess by: Sue Lynn Tan

“As I looked up at him, I could not deny it was there still-that ache in my heart, that thread which tugged at it whenever he was near … no matter how I wished it did not.”

Daughter of the Moon Goddess by: Sue Lynn Tan

“I had believed my heart whole, freed from the ties that had bound it. A glorious future beckoned on the horizon. Yet I still clung to a shred of my past, as a flowering peach blossom tree yearning for its fallen bloom.”

Daughter of the Moon Goddess by: Sue Lynn Tan

“Yet as much as I loved him, I loved myself more. And as I was discovering, there was no end to love-it was something which grew and renewed endlessly, expanding to encompass each new horizon. Family. Friends. And other lovers, too–none of them the same–yet each precious in their own way.”

Daughter of the Moon Goddess by: Sue Lynn Tan

“When you see the world as divided, when you’re prejudiced, it’s not about expanding hearts- it’s about shrinking your capacity to love.”

Misfits in Love by: S.K. Ali

“Life’s too short to be so predictable.”

Little & Lion by: Brandy Colbert

“Why? Bi, queer… it doesn’t really matter, as long as you’re happy. Just make sure you don’t let anyone tell you what you are. People can be real assholes about labels.”

Little & Lion by: Brandy Colbert

And those were my favourite quotes from the second half of the year! Did you read any of these books? Have favourite quotes of your own? Let me know in the comments!

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