Movies · Reviews

May Movies: Comedies

Hello, and welcome to another month of movie reviews. This month’s journey we take a look at comedies. It was a pretty hilarious month for the most part so hopefully you the reader find these movies to be as entertaining.

As always I’ll be telling you which ones to watch, and which ones you can skip. So let’s get to it!


Easy A

Easy A: Olive is your average teenage girl that no one cares about until one day she lies to her best friend Rhiannon about how she spent her weekend with a college guy. Rumours spread like wild fire that she’s had sex, and the whole school either wants to have sex with her, or hates her. The rumours escalate so much after she pretends to sleep with a gay guy that more people start paying her to pretend to sleep with her. She relates her life to that of Hester Prynne from The Scarlet Letter by wearing an A on her clothes. Things spin so far out of control that she uses a web series to state the truth. It’s a hilarious film filed with quick-witted jokes and one-liners. The plot was good and entertaining throughout the whole film. Every scene served a purpose and it didn’t stray away from the main plot and theme. The characters were hilarious, not totally believable, but the actors who played them made them pretty believable. The film score was also really great too; it enhanced the scenes and the story quite a bit. Overall, if you’re looking for a slapstick sort of comedy this one is a good one to watch.



Bridesmaids: Annie’s best friend Lillian is getting married and Annie is going to be her maid of honor. When Annie meets Lillian’s friend Helen from work, it becomes a contest to see who is the better best friend. It gets to the point when Lillian has had enough and tells Annie not to come to the wedding. Things start going downhill for Annie as she looses her job, her place to live, and the guy she’s seeing. She’s finally hit rock bottom, so there is nowhere to go but up. It’s a hilarious film, though a little long for a comedy. The plot is funny, a little predictable, and a little extra at times, but it’s still really enjoyable to watch. The characters felt somewhat forced in the sense that they needed to have extensive backgrounds, and the actors fell short of delivering. Overall, if you’re not in the mood for a long comedy, this film isn’t where to start, but if you’re looking for a nice break, this movie will do the trick.


Horribles Bosses

Horrible Bosses: Three friends, each of them has a horrible boss. Together they come up with a plan to murder their bosses. They try to hire someone, but when that fails, they take advice from a guy they meet in a bar. Only that doesn’t help them either so they’re on their own. But things take a turn when left to their own devices and one of their bosses dies unexpectedly. Now they have to prove that they didn’t commit the murder. It’s a hilarious movie about some crazy bosses. These bosses don’t seem super realistic, and are over exaggerated most definitely for the film to make it a successful comedy. The actors did well in their roles, though some of them were just very annoying and whiney. The plot worked and was entertaining. Some scenes were really dry and boring, but once things started happening, the plot moved pretty quickly. Overall, it was an okay film. Not really a film to watch again, but it’s okay the first time.


The Interview

The Interview: Starring Seth Rogen and James Franco the two produce a hit news TV show, Skylark Tonight. They are so popular when they find out that the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-Un, is a mega fan. They try, and succeed in getting an interview with him. The CIA has caught wind of this and has asked the two to take care of the leader. Now the two of them are off to North Korea to assassinate Kim Jong-Un. The film isn’t as funny as it is proclaimed to be. The plot is enjoyable, entertaining, and for the most part one big adventure that the viewer can get lost in. The comedy just wasn’t the best. Lines that were supposed to be funny, fell flat. The whole film was a big reference to The Lord of The Rings, and they mention it a lot, but if you don’t understand those references, the film kinda looses a lot of it’s theme. The actors, mainly Rogen and Franco were playing themselves so the acting didn’t go very far. Overall, sure the film had it’s moments of pure hilarity and can be mocked, but the rest was just boring. It’s a film for super fans of slapstick comedy.


The Change Up 

The Change Up: Dave has a busy life and no time for himself. With a job as a lawyer, a wife and three kids, he’s up to his ears in work. His best friend Mitch on the other hand has all the time in the world for himself. Not having a steady job, he acts in here and there commercials. One night the two of them hangout together, pee in a fountain and wish to have each other’s life. Well they got their wish. The film is very Freaky Friday in the sense that they switch bodies and lives. By the end they both learn more about themselves then they ever would have. It’s sentimental and funny all in one. The film had the power to evoke an emotion. The actors did a great job in this film, Ryan Reynolds always gives a solid performance and this film was no different. Except for the fact that this plot was very unoriginal, it was still a good movie, it definitely has a re-watchable quality to it. Overall, it’s a fun; laugh out loud funny kinda film.


The 40-Year-Old Virgin

The 40-Year-Old Virgin: Andy is your average guy with an average job, who hasn’t had sex before. One day while at a poker game with the guys at work, he let’s slip that he’s a virgin. From there on the guys make it their mission to help him get laid. Only that doesn’t work out for Andy, every time he chickens out. It isn’t until he meets Trish that he actually wants to have sex with someone. The film’s plot is funny, and is consistently funny throughout. It’s not so much slapstick, and stupid remarks; the jokes are actually genuinely funny. The actors really hit their mark in this film because the acting is on par, and incredibly believable. The ending is a little odd where it turns into this musical, but otherwise the film is good. The music in this film also has to be mentioned because it adds to the hilarious-ness of the film. Overall, it has definite re-watchablity as a great comedy film.


Delivery Man

Delivery Man: David doesn’t have much of a life, and his girlfriend, Emma, tells him to go out and get one. So he does, just not in the way anyone would think of. He finds out that he is the father of 533 children. A sperm bank used his sperm to many of the women who came because his was the best quality. Signing the form as Starbuck, his children want to know who Starbuck is. David goes to court to fight this case, but realizes that he must do the right thing. It’s not so much a comedy as it is a drama. The plot was very easy to follow along with, and the characters were almost stereotypical. That’s not to say that the film was bad, it was an all right film with an interesting and unique plot. It’s definitely not something seen before. Other than the different plot the movie was average, nothing extreme happened, it was a cute little movie. Overall, it’s sweet, and just enough funny to make the viewer laugh.


Don Jon 

Don Jon: Jon is a porn addict; he loves porn more than anything else in the world, more than actual sex. He likes the fact that he can loose himself in porn. His girlfriend Barbara catches him watching porn, tells him not to do it, so he watches it behind her back, only to be caught once more. It isn’t until he meets Esther that he understands the meaning of sex and how porn has all these unrealistic expectations. The plot for this film is interesting and somewhat different. The film has an ending that is actually very sweet. The viewer at first can’t really tell where the plot is going from the start, but the film has a very good storytelling arc. The film starts off slow, and somewhat boring, but starts to pick up once Barbara appears, and it only gets better from there. The characters are characters you love to hate, they are truly annoying and whiny but they help move along plot developments. Overall, it’s not a film for everyone, but it’s not a bad film either, it’s more of a one-watch kind of film.



50/50: 50/50 is a comedy about cancer, yes when phrased that way it sounds like it’s an insensitive film about cancer, when it’s completely the opposite. Adam is a 27-year-old who follows the rules, eats healthy; and doesn’t stray off the beaten path when one day he finds out he has a rare type of cancer. The film portrays his life and what it becomes as he goes through the stages. His best friend, Kyle, played by Seth Rogan is obviously the guy he always plays, but Rogan really shines in this movie. As much as he still comes off a dick seven times out of 10 in this film, he’s still the best friend you can count on. The film made you laugh, made you cry, it was really well done; it was definitely a roller coaster of emotions. The film was funny when it needed to be, and that’s what made the film really work were the comedy bits thrown in between all the serious plotlines. As much as this was an unoriginal plot, the actors are the ones that really made the film come to life. Overall, a brilliant film that should been seen by everyone.


Ace Ventura Pet Detective

Ace Ventura: Pet Detective: Ace Ventura is a pet detective. When a pet goes missing people call Ace. He takes his job very seriously, in a goofy kind of way. He takes to understanding the ways of animals and understanding the ways of criminals. One day he is called because the Miami Dolphins mascot, an actual dolphin named Snowflake has gone missing right before the Superbowl. It’s up to Ace to find him, only things keep getting in the way. The cops want nothing to do with him because they know his antics and think he’s no good at being a detective. It isn’t until Ace pulls some heavy detective work to help solve the case that things look up for him. The film is filled with Jim Carrey’s antics, from his slapstick comedy, to his extremely hilarious and crazy facial expressions. The plot was creative as more and more things started to happen throughout it. The characters were hilariously crafted with the actors bringing them to life. Overall, a hilarious comedy brought to you by Jim Carrey.


Ace Ventura When Nature Calls


Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls: Ace Ventura, the pet detective, is back and he’s in Africa. His work has called him out of retirement to find another animal that has gone missing. A rare white bat that is the symbol of an African tribe has been stolen. Now Ace must use his detective ways to figure out who the criminal is. Like the first movie, this movie has its moments and its charms. There are some hilarious scenes, but the whole film felt like it was trying to top the first film. With that in mind the film fell flat with its jokes and plotline. Even Ace’s character wasn’t the greatest; Carrey’s acting felt like he needed to be better than he was in Pet Detective. His goofiness was still there, but it felt over the top. Overall, this film was funny, but not as good as the first film.

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