Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: The Geography of You and Me

Hi everyone! Today I’m going to be reviewing a novel that was recommended to me by one of my best friends, who also loves books to death! 😀 It’s The Geography of You and Me by Jennifer E Smith. It was definitely worth the recommendation, because now I recommend it you!

This novel was wildly entertaining, and made me fall in love with wanting to travel. Because this novel takes place all over the world, (and it didn’t help I was on vacation too while reading this) but it just made me want to go on trip after trip and see the whole world. Not only that but the love story was really cute too. I also believe that the story was inspired by the 2003 major blackout, because who doesn’t remember that? It affected eight states and into Canada (which is mentioned in the novel). But it made for a great plot setting.

The Geography of You and Me

The Geography of You and Me by: Jennifer E Smith: One moment can change your whole life. That moment was the same moment for both Lucy and Owen. Meeting fatefully in an elevator that has stopped due to a major blackout, the two become a little more than friendly; although neither of them say it at first. The two end up leaving the busy city of New York City on their own travels and journeys. They keep in touch through post cards to keep the dying art form alive. They try to move on, but that one night has changed them and they can’t stop thinking about the other, until they meet again. The novel was a cute story of young love in its purist form. The characters were well created, though they were whiny at times, but the author wrote very well written sixteen/seventeen year old characters. The plot was lovely. It was a love story with a twist, since the characters were very rarely together. But that is what made the plot enjoyable. The novel just kinda ended, but it still ended fairly well. There could have been more to the novel if the author wanted to write more, but Smith ended it tastefully, leaving the reader satisfied, yet also craving a little bit more. Overall, a job well done on a novel on young love, it makes the reader feel young and youthful.

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