TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Six Feet Under Season Two

Hi guys! Happy 2018!!! I hope you all had a very happy New Year and you’re ready to kick 2018 off to a fabulous start! I know I am. Today on TV Tuesday I’ll be chatting all about Six Feet Under, season 2.

From left to right: Rachel Griffiths as Brenda Chenowith, Peter Krause as Nate Fisher, Michael C. Hall as David Fisher, Matthew St. Patrick as Keith Charles, Freddy Rodriguez as Federico Diaz, Frances Conroy as Ruth Fisher, and Lauren Ambrose as Claire Fisher.

So the season begins with another death, an actress. It so happens that Federico’s second cousin knew her. So Federico takes the lead on this, to prove to Nate and David he can handle things. Well things don’t go so well since he can’t get anyone to pay for the funeral for the casket.

On top of that after the funeral Claire finds the friends and family snorting the actresses ashes. Ew.

Let’s see our characters are all over the place. David is trying to find a new boyfriend, but he’s out of luck. He’s hanging out with Keith and his boyfriend and that’s just making him depressed.

Nate and Brenda are in a bit of a rough patch. He thinks she’s depressed, and she kinda thinks so too. She tries everything, but she can’t get past it. She even bitches at a rich client to leave.

Nate, well he’s going through a lot. We find out that he did in fact pass the funeral directors license which is great. But he’s also dealing with this head injury that he doesn’t want to tell anyone about. It’s only getting worse and the doctor wants to do this operation, but it’s not 100% so Nate doesn’t want to do it.

Claire is also trying to get into Gabe’s head, but she keeps pushing too hard and that leads him to snapping at her and leaving.

Ruth is still not sure what to do about David being gay so she reads a books about it. It tells her she should have a family dinner to get all the feelings out in the open. Well that how swell. So Nate ends up getting high on the E that David left in the aspirin bottle. Who knew there was still some left. Man that was a good scene, Nate is hilarious high.

We’re getting more of a backstory on Keith, so does that mean he’s going to be on the show more often? So he goes to visit his sister for his niece’s birthday. And he finds his sister sleeping and his niece having a party by herself. He thinks she’s on drugs, but I think it may be just trying to raise a kid singlehandedly.


So Nate has this AVM thing that is fucking with his brain and the reason he keeps seeing this dead guy saying he’s scared because Nate is scared.

He thinks he’s going to die from it, but he doesn’t want to tell anyone. In the end he does tell David and it’s such a heartfelt moment because Nate’s so venerable in that moment. I think (and hope) David is going to be a good brother about it and help him, but not in his pushy way.

Nate is yelling at everyone too so it’s weird. Like I say this AVM thing is totally messing with him. Like Federico asks for money and I can see where Nate is coming from because Federico wants to become a partner so bad, now he wants money, he almost thinks that the brothers owe him something because he left a good gig to work for them; he thinks they under appreciate him. To be honest yes Federico is needed and is a complete asset as we saw last season, but there is a point when you start to ask for too much.

Federico and his wife are trying to buy a house and they are 11 grand short. Nate won’t pay, but his wife’s sister is, but Federico is too proud and won’t except money from anyone because he considers it a handout. Gah I hate people who can’t seem to get a little help. In the end he just deals with it and they get the house.

Brenda is struggling to figure out who she is as a person because all her life she’s had been through so much as a child, and she’s had to look after her brother the rest of her life. Maybe she  will figure it out.

Kroner is back, and with a vengeance. They try to get them to sign with them, but Nate is very against it. They end up buying a casket wall because it lets the customers really get to choose the one they want. In the end they really don’t know how they’re going to pay for it, turns out it was paid for… by Kroner because they own the company who put in and sell the wall units. Go figure. Now they’re letting them into their lives, but how much more are the Fisher’s willing to go?

Then there is Claire, and the shit that Gabe pulled in the convenient store is coming back to him. Someone found out and he’s scared shitless that the cops will find out. Plus he stole embalming fluid to make this drug called fry. Apparently it’s a blunt dipped into embalming fluid. Gross. Now Claire is afraid that her brothers could be responsible for it.

Well the cops are now on to Claire trying to find Gabe but she really doesn’t know where he is… that is until he calls her to pick him up. And lord have mercy is he all fucked up. They are sitting at a light when this guy starts to talk up Claire, that’s when Gabe pulls out a gun and shoots the guy right in front of her.

She is freaked out, obviously and tells him that she can’t help him anymore. You go girl, get that guy out of your life!

She runs to David when she gets home, it’s actually really cute. It’s actually Nate who is extremely upset. They bring Keith in so that she can tell the truth.

Ruth has decided to join this cult that is about bettering your life and empowering yourself. It’s really wack.

She doesn’t like it but continues to go back. She freaks out on them and that levels up her up in their program. Well then. Then afterwards she feels so much better.

Brenda is off finding herself by going back to school, only she doesn’t last one day and bails when her teacher is rude and is against her beliefs.

Her and Nate are in this rut, and he’s asking everyone about their sexual relations because he wants to know if it’s normal for the sex to slow down after 6 months.

Keith and David are getting a lot closer and it’s nice to see. I predict they get back together. Keith is super hard on his sister, and even his own mother is telling him to lay off, but he doesn’t want to believe her. I wonder where this will go.

The boys get a body, but the body is up in Seattle and the guy’s children don’t want him to fly back to L.A. because he hates flying. So Nate volunteers to fly up and drive the body back. He even asks Claire to come with him. It’s nice to see the two of them bonding.

While up there they stay with one of Nate’s friends Lisa. Claire believes that there was something between them and Nate says they’ve slept together a handful of times but that was it. But Lisa admits to being in love with Nate.

Also while out there Nate has a seizure in front of Claire and now he has to tell her what’s going on. He tells her that now that he’s on his pills he should be fine.

Brenda on the other hand is still in that trying to find herself phase. It almost looks like she’s thinking about being a prostitute, after giving one a massage.

Then she gets a call from her mother because her mother thinks her father is having an affair because his car is at the spa, and he’s at work. So they wait until the woman comes out, and her mother has a few words… or a complete attack on the woman. After that she and her mother have this bitchfest where her mother tells the truth, something Brenda doesn’t want to hear it, so Brenda slaps her. Talk about a fucked up family.

Then there’s David. Keith can’t pick up his niece and neither can his new boyfriend so he asks David to do it. She’s a rude kid, but based off the life she’s lived, a deadbeat dad and almost not there mom, it makes sense.

Ruth makes a comment to David that he shouldn’t flaunt his gayness pretty much around her because she thinks he’s confusing her. And I love David’s response: he basically tells her that he’s happy if she’s happy with this new foundation, architect approach she has to life, but to mind her own business.

They get a woman who lived and died alone and Ruth and Nate have a hard time wrapping their brains around it. It is sad that she died because she choked on food.

They think no one is going to go to the funeral because she didn’t have anyone in her life. So instead Ruth rounds up her family to go to the service.

David is all over the place. He’s met a new guy Ben, and he’s really sweet. But then Keith is back. Keith is being so strange, he’s having a hard time dealing with his niece, which yes she’s a handful, and she keeps complaining about her stomach, is something going to come of that?

Keith is also dealing with his boyfriend Eddie. They aren’t connecting. Then at work he comes across a couple having an argument, when the guy pulls out a gun, Keith is there to try to defuse the situation. Only when the guy doesn’t put the gun down, Keith shoots and kills the guy. Yikes.

He then goes to David and they sleep together. In the morning Keith says it was a mistake and that he doesn’t think he can be friends with David and that ends that.

Ruth tells her kids why she decided to start her foundation program and it’s so that she doesn’t end up alone and dead. She tells them she wants more intimacy with them.

Then there’s Claire who is taking the SATS again and when she finds out Parker has paid someone to take them for her, she’s pissed. She wants all the bad people out of her life clearly, but once she does that, she kinda has no one left.

And of course Brenda is now claiming she’s going to write a book now. But she doesn’t get very far. Instead she goes out to lunch with her prostitute client and they sort of become friends. It still kinda looks like she wants to become a prostitute, but she helps her new friend out by becoming a watcher, someone who basically watches what goes down. This sparks her to propose to Nate. I did not see that coming, like what!? I’m happy for them!

They have a family dinner to tell all of Nate’s family and all are happy, except Ruth. She wanted Nate’s future wife to have his grandmother’s ring because she thinks he’s the only one who would use it.

If it’s one thing this show shows it’s how crazy people get when their loved one dies. People are so irrational it’s a little insane.

Why do I get this weird feeling that there’s something up with David’s new boyfriend Ben. Well David ends up telling him that he still has feelings for someone else. Oh man.

Ruth’s sister Sarah is in town and she shakes things up and Ruth is happy about it. The two of them have never gotten along. Sarah tells Claire that she thinks she’s an artist and now Claire is looking at things a little different.

In the end we find out that Ruth has hated Sarah because she thinks she had more fun than her. But Sarah tells her it’s all about how they look at the decisions they’ve both made. I think this brings them closer.

And Brenda, I know she’s weird, but she’s just really weird. So we find out that the thing that’s fuelling her writing is sex. First the watching, now the hand job she gives her client. Interesting. Now she’s trying role play with Nate… Brenda is just so weird. It’s almost like she doesn’t want to be with Nate anymore.

So it finally happened, Keith’s niece’s stomach problems turned into appendicitis. They were lucky and they caught it before it burst which is really good, because speaking from someone who had their appendix burst, it’s not fun.

Keith also tells David that he broke up with his boyfriend Eddie and now David doesn’t know what to make of that. Well we know, but David doesn’t want to get hurt again, especially now that Keith’s single he all of a sudden wants to be friends again. So not fair.

Claire ends up going her aunt Sarah’s house for the weekend where she has this howling party and it gets really crazy. At first I had no idea if she was enjoying it, but when she meets a boy and leaves with him it looks like she does like it. The in the morning she says she had a amazing time. It was a little weird to see adults all naked, drunk and high.

Nate is now looking into other religions to find an answer to death because he’s so terrified of dying, so when they have a Jewish funeral he talks to the rabbi but doesn’t get very many answers, as is the case with religion. There are no concrete answers.

Ruth finally announces that she’s not following the plan and talking in metaphors, instead I think she’s going to start loosening up and being more like her sister.

And Federico gets a rude awakening when he thinks his cousin is hitting on his wife, instead he comes home to find him with another guy. Now we know how Federico was with David well he gets super pissed at his cousin José.

So Federico fires José because of this, and he tells his wife why he had to fire him, and so she ends up telling José’s wife, so he did have a family, damn. So what does José do when he finds out that. Federico said something he beat the shit out of him.

So Brenda is at it again with her sexual fantasies. When she tells her only friend, I believe her name is Melissa, she brings up a good point, she asks Brenda if she’s really ready to commit to Nate. It’s like she’s pushing Nate away by having these sexual encounters.

It’s Christmas time and everyone is thinking back to last Christmas and the last encounter they had with Nathaniel, it’s very touching and it was done so tastefully. It’s like every character has a certain object that reminds them of him. It’s cute.


So Brenda and Nate go over to Brenda’s mother’s house and guess who shows up, Billy. Apparently he’s been released and Brenda is not happy about that. We also find out that Claire has been emailing Billy… interesting. I wonder where they are going with this.

Well this leads to Nate and Brenda having a fight because Nate wants Brenda to do something about it, because he doesn’t want Billy near his sister, which makes sense.

Then while sex Nate has a seizure and he has to tell her about everything.

Claire invites her new boyfriend Toby, we find out is his name, and Claire finds out real quickly that she doesn’t like him. He’s too nice and she can’t deal.

And of course on Christmas night is when Taylor’s mom comes back, Keith’s sister. You can tell Keith is pissed.

And then there is Ruth and Nikolai. Apparently someone came into his shop and ruined the store and hurt him in the process. Now he has two broken legs, but Ruth doesn’t mind looking after him. Why do I have a weird feeling about this plot? Ruth wants him to call the cops to report it, but he doesn’t want to. Sounds fishy.

So it turns out, he doesn’t want to call the cops because he owes his Russian mob man a lot of money. I think that’s the reason his store got broken into.

Keith is still having trouble sleeping, and I wonder if he’ll ever get some sleep again. He also checks his sister into rehab because he was right, she was on drugs again. Keith is getting on my nerves though. He’s always angry and picking little fights with everyone. David just wants to be there for him and help him get better, but Keith just keeps yelling. So is Keith bipolar? One minute he says they’re going too fast, the next he’s joking and saying that he and David should move in together.

And then there’s Nate, holy fucking shit, what?!? So his friend Lisa is in town. They go to catch up and when he tells her that he’s getting married to Brenda she all of a sudden opens her coat to tell him she’s pregnant, and that she doesn’t expect anything from him. Apparently on their trip to see her he slept with her and that did it. But why do I have a feeling she’s lying? At first I thought maybe she had a fake stomach. But now I believe she is pregnant, but is it really Nate’s kid?

Well now Nate doesn’t know what to do, help Lisa to be in the kid’s life. He also doesn’t know if he should tell Brenda or not. What a fucked up relationship, especially with Brenda’s fucked up fantasies that she’s now living out.

I can’t tell if Claire is lying about not seeing Billy anymore. Like she tells Nate that he’s on another wavelength, one she doesn’t want to be on, and then goes and looks at pictures of him…

Now she’s into photography. She’s taking pictures of the dead people for her school project in dead poets. It’s kinda genius, but her English teacher is looking for words not images. Now she’s questioning what she wants to do with her life. When Nate and David find out, Nate completely flips out.

I am really starting to hate Nate. He’s angry about everything and yelling at people and it’s so annoying to watch. Maybe because it’s so impractical.

He’s also dreaming about all the kids he could potentially have out there. That’s when he tells Lisa that he wants to be in the baby’s life, but when he tells her that he hasn’t told Brenda Lisa flips and tells him he can’t be a father because he can’t put anyone but himself first.

So Nikolai decides it’s time to go back home and Ruth doesn’t want that. She wants Nikolai to move in with her, and he doesn’t want that, so they pretty much break up. How sad 😦

At Brenda’s wedding shower Ruth admits to Brenda that she loves her and loves her because she’s so independent and loves Nate for who he is, and she doesn’t apologize for what she does. Ruth admires her. I think she’s drunk ha.

She also meets Brenda’s father and he tells her that Claire is depressed. Ruth is obviously not happy about that.

Before her own shower Brenda goes to this orgie party. It’s gross, but whatever. After that she breaks up with her friend Melissa, it’s all just weird. I think she’s starting to realize what she’s doing is wrong.

Then there is David and Keith. They have moved in together and Keith is always yelling at every small thing and David can’t be himself because he feels like if he’s not perfect Keith will yell, which is true.

On top of this, Keith’s sister hits a man and drives away. Taylor thinks they need to tell someone and obviously her mother is not about that. Taylor ends up accidentally telling David because she seriously loves him, and he can’t take that shot as a joke as she claims it is. So David tells Keith, and Keith blows up. When they found out there was a hit and run that matches Taylor’s story, they have to arrest Keith’s sister. Geeeez.

Poor Taylor. She now doesn’t like David too much since she knows he said something.

So now Taylor is living with David and Keith but Keith’s parents come to town and his father wants to take Taylor to live with them. At first Keith is willing to give her up, but it’s David who pushes to keep Taylor. We all know it’s because his father doesn’t agree with Keith’s lifestyle.

Nate finally tells Brenda about the baby after they go to talk to a rabbi for their wedding. Now Brenda doesn’t know what to think and Nate thinks he’s fucked it all up. In the end Brenda goes back to Nate because she says she loves him and wants to work it out together.

On top of that he’s being sued by one of their clients for like 2 million. They’re being sued because Nate let her see the body of her husband and now she’s having PTSD about it. I find it funny that David goes to pay her a house visit to yell at her because they’ll lose their company if she decides to go through with the lawsuit. The woman rips it up so I’m not sure if it’s actually over.

When they go to their mother for money she no longer has the money and you want to know why, because she dropped 87k on Nikolai. He owes the Russian mob that much and she just gives it to them. Obviously when he finds out he’s extremely pissed. So I guess they aren’t broken up, but now they’re kinda close to it.

Then there’s Claire who does mushrooms for the first time and decides she’s going to sew a bunch of things. She makes these crazy pants with bells on them for her mother. I swear Ruth is so desperate for her children to love her that she has no idea Claire is high, and she wears the bell pants to work. I just feel so bad for her.

Federico goes and gets his wife fired which sucks. His wife works at a nursing home and so when one of her patients dies she passes it on to Federico. He notices something odd and pulls out a hotdog from the woman’s throat. Obviously he needs to report a murder to the police. His wife knows it was probably her roommate, but they can’t prove anything so she got the blame.

But then when their neighbour dies unexpectedly they find out that she left her life savings to them. How crazy is that?

We also get flashbacks on how Federico met the Fisher’s. His father died and they went to Fisher’s funeral home. His father’s face was badly distorted but at the funeral it looks perfect, and that leads to him thinking about his future job.

Keith and David have a social worker come over to analyze their house to see if it’s a good environment for Taylor. Keith is so worried about the place being too gay, that when they get a gay guy to come the house, well it’s kinda funny. Also Keith just gets reinstated after the shooting and now he’s gone fighting again. Something tells me his job is on the line.

Ruth actually breaks up with Nikolai, in a movie theatre of all places. When Nikolai doesn’t want to go to the same movie as her she kinda realizes it. Now she doesn’t know what to do with her time, well lucky Lisa calls the house looking for Nate and when she finds out that she got Ruth she tells her all about the baby, so Ruth goes out to visit. Lisa has had the baby, it’s a girl, I don’t know I still don’t think it’s his.

Speaking of Nate holy hell the fight he and Brenda have. So the surfer dude from the night before stops by. (Who I didn’t know was played by Austin Nichols I love that guy ha). Well it so happens that Nate read the threesome scene that Brenda wrote for her book and when he sees some of the similarities with the guy and the guy in her book he freaks and wants to know what else is real in there. It’s such a massive fight and they say some really nasty things and Nate throws his engagement ring at her and leaves. So no marriage?

And Claire is really excited about going to this art school. She just needs to get three letter of recommendations. Guess who she goes to, Billy. He’s apparently an alumni and he’s totally down for it. So she’s letting him back in.

The season ends with so much sadness.

Everyone is invested in the new baby, Miya. Nate finally goes to see the baby and it’s a lovely meeting.

Nate also finds out that his condition has worsened. He now has to go for brain surgery. This now forces him to tell his mother. Ruth takes it alright, or as well as any mother can. So she yells at everyone because they all want to be there for Nate, but she thinks Claire should still go to her graduation, and David should go support her.

Woah you can tell the relationship had strained between David and Keith. I really hate Keith. We find out that Keith has been put on suspension for his outbreak. He says he doesn’t want to go back to his old job and now he sits at home, and David just wants to help him, but Keith doesn’t want it.

When Nate starts to plan his funeral with David, David looses it. So sad 😦 When he wants comfort from Keith, Keith doesn’t ask what’s wrong, doesn’t even care.

We also find out that Keith sent Taylor away. Then when David asks Keith to come to Claire’s graduation and Keith says he doesn’t want to deal with his family. They get into this huge fist fight about how David isn’t family… then it turns to sex. Maybe that will change things?

Claire goes for her interview at the art school and she ends up loosing it taking about her father, I hope she still gets in.

So on top of all of this their business is about to go under. They have an inspector come over unexpectedly and their septic tank is full and it’s going to cost them more money than they have to fix it. So Federico comes in with his new money and makes an offer, 50,000 for a partnership. David doesn’t want to, but Nate talks him into 25% partnership and Federico jumps at it.

Speaking of jobs, Ruth quits hers. She can’t deal with Nikolai and she wants more time with her grandchild.

Brenda has started going to these sex addiction classes where they talk about sex as a disease. Maybe it’ll make her better.

She and Nate talk, they’re no longer angry at eat other and they admit that they love each other, although I don’t think they’ll get back together. I know Nate thinks he’s going to die, but I don’t think he will. Brenda is scared for him and wants to be with him, but he doesn’t want her there.

Now Nate’s looking around at everything for the last time, still don’t think he’s going to die. When he cries to Ruth it’s so sad, yet so sweet.

And Claire and David decide to not go to graduation (after smoking some pot haha). I think Ruth is secretly glad that they didn’t go.

The last thing we see is Nate going under for surgery. When he’s under he’s running when a public bus stops by him and he stops to look at it. I get the symbolism, like it’s the bus that killed his father, so does that mean he’s going to die?

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