Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: If I Stay & Where She Went

Hi! Today I’m going to be reviewing Gayle Forman’s novel If I Stay and the sequel Where She Went.


If I Stay

If I Stay by: Gayle Forman: A wonderfully put together novel of a girl named Mia who lives a normal life, and does normal things, but it isn’t until something not so normal happens that changes it. It is up to her to make the right choice, for her, for her family, and her friends. The novel is remarkable and true. It’s so good it’s hard to put down. The way the novel is written is what makes it hard to put down. The whole story is told in a 24 hour time period, with flashbacks to Mia’s life. It was very well written, and at times it was almost like reading poetry, the way the author wrote about love. It is definitely a worthy novel to read if you’re in the mood for a little bit of sad, but a whole lot of love, and emotions.


Where She Went

Where She Went by: Gayle Forman: The second chapter to If I Stay where we’re taken three years into the future, and seen through the eyes of Adam Wilde, the main character, Mia Hall’s, boyfriend. Things have definitely changed in three years, and the story is written so well. The author just pulls at the reader’s heartstrings as the novel goes on. The novel is all about closure, and being able to find that closure to be able to move on, not just from a relationship, but also from anything in life. The plotline was well written and executed, and the characters felt believable. It was genuinely a cute novel though the ending was a tad predictable; for the most part the reader wouldn’t have been able to figure out how it would truly end. Overall, if you read the first part, definitely read the second.

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