
The Liebster Award V

Hello friends, happy Thursday! I’m coming at you guys with the Liebster Award for the fifth time! Thank you so much Lori @Lori’s Bookshelf Reads for tagging me! If you’re not following Lori, you should head on over and give her a follow! She’s got lots of bookish diverse content that you should all check out! 🙂


  • Say thank you to the person who has nominated you for the Award.
  • Answer the 11 questions the person has asked you
  • Nominate 11 people
  • Ask the people who you have nominated 11 questions

What is your favourite TV show/movie you love watching?

Recently my favourite thing to rewatch is Christopher Robin… there is something about the way the characters look (they are SO cute!) and the whole story, the writing is so witty, I love it all! ❤️

My first thought when I read the question was Freaky Friday though because I love that movie, so quotable, and utterly hilarious!

Is there anything you’re looking forward to doing in the next decade?

That feels like such a loaded question. In this decade I’d like to move, I haven’t the slightest idea where, but I would like to move. Uhm, possibly find a new job… I haven’t really thought about this, but those are the two things I can think of.

What’s your favourite season and why?

Fall will always be my favourite season. The colours, the leaves, the coziness of it all. Just ahhh 😀

If you could take any item from any fictional world, what would you take?

Oh, you definitely know I’d take the time turner from Harry Potter… like I could make SO much time for reading that way!

If you could pick someone to write and perform a song inspired by you, who would you pick?

Like a famous musician? I’d totally ask the Maine to write a song about me, haha… even if they’ve already written songs that are hella relatable.

If you could meet anyone in the world, who would it be and what would you say to them?

I’d still love to meet Gerard Way. These days he looks such a cute comic book nerd. But I’d still love to tell him that he should become a motivational speaker, he has a way with words… and using big words, I always forget how smart this man is 💛

Did you believe in any mythical creatures while growing up?

I still believe in mythical creatures… they are real!

What’s your auto-buy author?

Can Stephen King be considered auto-buy? The guy is still writing… but I’m still trying to collect his back-collection… it’s going to take some time.

Angie Thomas is definitely an auto-buy author for me. Next book she publishes I know I’ll be buying it.

What would your superpower be?

Hmm, the power of teleporting, now wouldn’t that be fun. Say bye-bye to commutes!

What’s your comfort food?

My first thought was mac and cheese, and I don’t think I could come up with anything better even if I sat and thought about it… which I did…

What’s The Most Beautiful Place You’ve Ever Been?

As of right now, my first thought is Edinburg… it’s so storybook and beautiful.


Right now, I’m waaay too hungry to try and, first of all come up with questions, then tag people, so I hope you enjoyed my answers! 🙂

13 thoughts on “The Liebster Award V

    1. Oh aw! You should totally watch it… my brother didn’t know he wanted to watch it with me until he walked into my room, then he couldn’t leave until it was done! 😂 I say just put it on!

      Snowy winter looks good from afar… not when you’ve actually gotta live in it! 😂

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