Non-Fiction · Reviews

Review: Sarah Scribbles Collection

Hi guys! Happy Monday! Today I’m going to be reviewing Sarah Andersen’s graphic novels,ย Sarah Scribbles.

These graphic novels mean the world to me ๐Ÿ’™

Adulthood is a Myth

Adulthood is a Myth by: Sarah Andersen: This graphic novel is a collection of the everyday life situations that, mostly women, find themselves in, where they think theyโ€™re the only ones who think these thoughts, but really theyโ€™re not. Tales of what itโ€™s like to be a young person in todayโ€™s society, it really resonates with people in their 20s and 30s. This book was hilarious; from comic to comic the writing was so relatable and just so blunt and honest. Sure, not everything will have the same laugh out loud reaction, but there is at least one situation that the reader will find themselves laughing over. Aside from the funny writing, the illustrations are just as good; they accompany the writing to give this book an overall fun approach to making life just a little more bearable.

Big Mushy Happy Lump

Big Mushy Happy Lump by: Sarah Andersen: Much like her first graphic novel, this second collection is Andersenโ€™s look at the world; from dealing with living as a millennial to social interactions there is, yet again, at least one of her comics to make the reader burst out laughing. This second book was also special in the fact that we got to learn a little more about Andersen with her personal essays she added. One about how her love of cats came to be, and the other how sheโ€™s a sweater thief. Both pieces, obviously were attached with her amazing comics, but they were both moving in a way that the reader didnโ€™t see coming. She was just so honest and open, and unashamed of herself that it almost felt empowering to really embrace who you are and what you love. These books are definitely mood boosters and 100% recommended.

Herding Cats

Herding Cats by: Sarah Andersen: In this third collection, Andersen takes to navigating the online world, our fears and gives her take on never giving up. Her comics have taken a little more of a political take to them, but they are still filled with the fuzzy warm, comforting words and drawings that the reader has come to love from these books. This was just as good as her past two collections; this time her artwork has this enhancement to it that really shows off her skills as a comic artist. Her personal essay on creating art was very moving and inspirational. It can also be taken as an approach to life and not just becoming an artist; thatโ€™s what made this so versatile and so relatable. She just writes what she knows, honestly and without walls; everything is very take it as it is, and itโ€™s reassuring knowing that there are others who feel the same way. Another A+ piece from Andersen.

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