Personal Ramblings

Wrapping Up Bony’s 2022 Bookish & Personal Goals

Hi friends! Happy last Friday of the year… how did we get here? (cue Paramore’s Decode 😅) It’s time to look back at the goals I made for myself at the beginning of the year… and see if I completed or stuck with them, so let’s jump right into it!

Read more: Wrapping Up Bony’s 2022 Bookish & Personal Goals

Bookish Goals

Read 100 books this year. ✅ Completed. This has become a number I know I can reach and so I feel like this will be a go-to for me in the years to come. This year I have read 124 books, which I’m very proud of!

Read More Diverse Books. ✅ I’m going to count this as completed. I didn’t compare to last year, but I’d like to think that I’ve started really looking into how I’m reading. Below is my compared reading from the last 6 months. It’s not a huuuge difference but in the second half of the year I think I did read a little more diverse, which I think is improvement.

As of July 2022
As of December 2022

Use Twitter More. ❎ I did not do this at all. The amount of times I’ve really thought about it though does not count… too bad 😂 The only thing I’ve really tweeted are links to my blog posts. But I do want to get into tweeting about what I’m reading… maybe in 2023, but I don’t think I’ll make it a goal because that puts too much pressure on me to do it and I don’t want that.

Start a YouTube Channel. ✅ Completed. I have been very successful with this one. I do plan to continue making YouTube videos in 2023. I enjoy talking about my library books!

Save quotes. ✅ Completed. I only started doing this in June, but I have a note in my phone for all the quotes I really love. I still have to find a way to save them better, but I can say that I at least started doing this!

Start Using Notion. ✅ Completed. I really love my spread I’ve created for my reading this year. I have a few things I want to tweak for next year, but it’s been so crucial for tracking my reading this year! I’m also thinking of expanding use of my Notion for other things in my personal life, or possibly blogging. We’ll see! I’m just glad that this has been a success for me!

Personal Goals

Ride My Bike. ❎ I don’t know why I keep adding this to my goals because it’s never going to happen. I think the longer I keep this on my goals, the more I’m not going to do it. I feel like I’m bullying myself into it and it’s just not motivating me like I thought it would. So going forward, this will not be on my 2023 goals!

Drink More Water. ✅ Completed. I’m going to give this one to myself because I drink quite a few glasses every day and I feel like it’s more than I was doing a few years ago so my intake has increased slowly, which is good!

Start Lifting Weights. ❎ I forgot I had this on here. I have not picked up a single dumbbell/weight at all this year. If anything I tripped over one and bruised my foot. But I do think about how it would be nice to start toning my arms just a little. Maybe 2023?

Continue to go for Walks & Stretch. ✅ Completed. Rain or shine I go out for my walk at lunch. There have only been a few days where I haven’t gone out because of weather, but otherwise I’m out there. I stopped walking around the room when I’m on the phone because I realized after that I was doing that as a coping mechanism for my anxiety. Not that it was bad, but I’ve just toned down on the intense pacing (because if I’m being honest, that’s really what it was).

Continue to be a Work in Progress. ✅ Can I really say this is completed when it’s on-going? I’ve learned a lot this year about myself and it was definitely a year of growth for me. I really want 2023 to be more of a year of relaxation, but with the lofty goals I have in my head, I don’t know about that.

Get back into Baking. ✅ Completed. This was a huge success in September/October. I baked every weekend… so much so I burnt myself out… but I did do quite a bit of it. I think I’m going to have to make a more specific goal for this next year.

Continue Knitting. ✅ Completed. I’m happy to say that I have really embraced my knitting this year. I knit a blanket and I’m SO close to finishing another. I knit 2 hats and a smaller blanket. I didn’t film or take photos of most of it… that I should really do.

Continue using Duolingo for French & Start Italian. ✅ Completed. I can actually say that I’ve started Italian. I wasn’t sure if I was going to, but this time around it has been easier? When I first tried my hand at it in late 2021 I was terrible and it really turned me off. But this time around, I’ve been doing really well; so every day I do a lesson in French and one in Italian. I also hit my 1000 day streak which was super exciting! I’m currently at a 1132 day streak!

And that’s a wrap! I think this turned out to be quite successful this year. It really also helps me see where I can improve the coming year too! That’s just another reason why I love doing this and setting myself light goals to keep me on track with the things I love! How was your year? Did you complete the goals you set out for yourself?

5 thoughts on “Wrapping Up Bony’s 2022 Bookish & Personal Goals

  1. Ahh what a successful year, congratulations!! So proud of you ❤ Notion is so much fun and I find it soooo useful for my blogging, I hope you'll get to try using it more for that this year 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

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