Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Symptoms of Being Human

Hello, happy Wednesday! I hope you’re all having a good week! Today I’m going to be reviewing Jeff Garvin’s novel Symptoms of Being Human.

Symptoms of Being Human

Symptoms of Being Human by: Jeff Garvin: Riley Cavanaugh sometimes feels like a boy, and sometimes feels like a girl; identifying as gender fluid, while not knowing how to come out to the world. Riley’s therapist suggests starting a blog, which leads Riley down a road filled with surprises, some good, some bad. This novel was definitely eye opening. Garvin really breaks it down for the reader and gives a lesson on gender fluidity; not only does he do this but he opens the door for people to feel less alone. He also gives people a voice to those who are struggling the same way the main character struggled with identity. All of the characters were so well developed and watching all of them transform over the course of the novel was really beautiful to see. Garvin’s writing was truth with a mix of witty banter that really went hand in hand. The only thing about his writing was the weird/odd chapter breaks. That aside, this was a really well put together novel with an important message.

5 thoughts on “Review: Symptoms of Being Human

  1. I love what you said about Garvin giving a voice to people who are struggling with the same issues Riley is in Symptoms of Being Human Meghan. That’s one of the things I love about diverse books, how they can act as that voice for whoever identifies with them.
    Great review, and I’m glad you enjoyed this one as well. 🙂 ❤️

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