Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: The Flamethrowers

Hi! Welcome to throwback Thursday. Today I’ll be re-reviewing Rachel Kushner’s novel The Flamethrowers.

Read: January 2014

I gave this novel 1 star on Goodreads; I think this is the first and only novel I gave 1 star. This was a waste of time to read, for me. I decided to read it because the artists Tegan and Sara said it was a really good book, I guess we don’t have the same taste in novels, sadly.


The Flamethrowers

The Flamethrowers by: Rachel Kushner: The story of a young female in the 1970s trying to become an artist. We never get to know the main characters name she is anonymous. As you go through the novel you read about her struggles trying to become the artist she wants to become. The novel was really long and at some parts the reader just didn’t know what was happening, or what the point of the story was; the author looses focus a little bit. She gets on track again, but near the end it looses that focus again making the reader question what the novel is about. Overall if you really want to read about a woman from the 1970s try and make it, then this is the book, otherwise it’s not really worth the time it takes to read.


2 thoughts on “Review: The Flamethrowers

  1. i read Telex From Cuba by Rachel Kushner. Started out promising and there were some good things in it, but it really did not hold together well. Too many ideas and directions, none were followed through.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. YES! This is how I felt when reading the Flamethrowers! I think she’s got a good set up, but her executions just don’t hold out, and she can’t make up her mind with where she wants to take the novel so it becomes muddled with fluff, and unnecessary plotlines. I’m glad someone agrees with me haha, thanks for the comment! 🙂


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