Memes · WWW

WWW Wednesday #19 šŸ’

Hello friends! Welcome back to another WWW Wednesday! I thought this would be a fun way to see a snapshot of what I’m reading! I hope everyone is doing well… it’s May and I’m still wearing a turtle neck! I’m hoping we’ll be seeing Springlike weather soon.

Welcome to WWW Wednesday! This meme was formerly hosted byĀ MizBĀ atĀ A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words. Just answer the three questions below and leave a link to your post in the comments for others to look at.


On page 399
On page 24
On page 342









The Stand: I’m 34% of the way through; I’m SO close to 400 pages inĀ but I did reach Book 2 out of 3! So that’s something. The chapters were on the shorter side again but characters who we’ve met in separate chapters finally interacted with one another! We’re getting somewhere I think.
Extras: I’m 5% of the way through; I’m not far enough in to really know how I feel about this just yet. I’m curious what makes these people ‘extra’ so we shall see how this goes.
Lastly I’m readingĀ The Mime OrderĀ by: Samantha Shannon. After loving The Bone Season, I of course had to dive into the second book. This book isn’t gripping me as much as the first, but I’m still enjoying it. I was hoping to finish this today, but I don’t think I can bang out 150 pages tonight.Ā Ā 





I stayed up until 1am Friday night (Saturday morning?) to finishĀ Almost Adults by: Ali PantonyĀ because it was just so good. It was so good to read about all the things you’re feeling and have your thoughts validated. These girls are 27 (which is the age I’ll be once my birthday rolls around this year šŸ˜) and it really hit hard to me. I didn’t relate to just one girl, but I related to each of them in different ways and I think I loved that the most.
I finished my re-read ofĀ SpecialsĀ by: Scott Westerfeld… I honestly don’t remember reading this before, but I know that I must have. This time around, ehhh this series started off SO good, it’s just fallen for me and I’m just sad that I didn’t care for this. This series had so much promise. As you can see above, I’m continuing with the last book (that I’ve never read before).



I still haveĀ Ambush by: James Patterson on my list, we’ll see if I get to it sometime this week.Ā  It’s almost time for my re-read of The Picture of Dorian GrayĀ by: Oscar Wilde. I don’t know what it is, but I love re-reading this every May.

What are you all reading?

11 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday #19 šŸ’

    1. I did!! It was THAT good. Alex, you need to read it! I’m about to finish the second and I didn’t love it as much as the first, but I still enjoyed it!

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  1. Ooh what is it about Dorian do you think that makes you reread it? I found it a very difficult book to get through for some reason…yet I love everything else by Wilde! I often think I should give it a second chance because surely I mustā€™ve been in a funny mood as I love the premise behind the book so much. And because Wilde was certainly a skilled writer

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    1. I just really like the story and now that I’ve been reading it for over 10 years it feels like such a warm fuzzy blanket to go back and read!
      I’m sorry that you didn’t enjoy it. But I get it because classics can be very hit or miss. This was one of the only classics I can stand, I definitely enjoy Wilde’s writing!

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      1. It annoys me that I didnā€™t like it because I do really love the premise… it was just a strange reading experience for me. That, The Great Gatsby and Lolita are probably the three modern classics that I dislike more than any others… I quite enjoy reading classics; although Lolita is my most loathed. Still think itā€™s patriarchal bs no matter what literary types (particularly older white men!) try to argue with me. Oh I always have too many opinions lol šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m glad Dorian is such a comforting read for you. Itā€™s always nice to return to a book that feels like a familiar friend. Catcher in the Rye and my Austens are like that for me. šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š

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      2. Would you ever try reading it again?
        I haven’t read either of those classics… there’s nothing that really screams at me to read. My friend bought the Great Gatsby earlier this year, she tried to read it and she just couldn’t.
        Hahaha, I don’t think you have too many opinions; it’s good to have opinions! šŸ˜€
        Yes! I can’t wait to dive in again soon… I just started a book on my shelf, then the next read will be Dorian šŸ˜€

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      3. I think I would try rereading that because it annoys me so much that I did not like it lol!!! I don’t like not liking something by Oscar Wilde because the man was a genius!!!!! And clearly I mustve been VERY moody when I read it lmao XDDDDD

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