TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Thirteen Reasons Why Season Two

Hi and welcome to another TV Tuesday! This week I’m going to be talking about 13 Reasons Why season two.

Season two starts off 5 months later and everyone is trying to get their life back on track after Hannah’s death. Things were on their way to being as normal as they can be, but the Bakers request a trial and now a lot of people from the tapes have to testify in court. The first being Tyler, the creeper who took her photo.

According to Clay, Tyler is lying, but how can we know who is telling the truth and who is lying?

Jessica is heading back to school after everything came out about her and Bryce. I’m not going to lie; I like that the school counsellor wants to murder Bryce because I want to murder Bryce. Ew Bryce starts talking to Jessica, he wants to grab a drink, who is this guy? Like seriously? Ugh. Well we can see he has a new girlfriend, but who’s to say he treats her right.


Then Alex is also coming back after trying to commit suicide. Now he’s found the note and he wants to know why he wrote about trying to stop something, but he doesn’t know why or what he was talking about.

So are Tyler and Alex friends? Because I can see that Clay and Alex are also friends, but Clay doesn’t like Tyler because of the lies

They have this spiel on consent which I think is good, but this baseball team is scum.

Also in present day (since like the first season the show goes back and forth between past and present really fast) Clay is dating Skye, they are cute, but Clay keeps seeing Hannah in place of her. Yikes.

Tony is back to being his Omni-present self again; he’s burning the truth, and talking to everyone because everyone is freaked out about the truth coming out in this trial.

Okay so now Clay is full on seeing Hannah again and this is driving him wild. He’s still trying to put all the pieces together, and you can tell that even Hannah’s mother is trying to figure out how her daughter was, because clearly she had no idea.

I see what they’re doing, last season every episode each character had a tape, this season every episode each character has a trial date. Oh boy.

It’s Courtney’s turn to go to court about the pictures Tyler took of them kissing. Courtney pretty much comes out on the stands as gay (which shocks her gay dads, but they take it so well). Who’s to say what other court appearances are going to bring out.

Ugh Bryce’s new girlfriend is a piece of work. She’s trying to become friends with Jessica, but lord Jess wants nothing to do with her. I feel bad for Jess, no one believes that she was raped and now someone is out there trying to tell her not to say anything when she goes to trial.

Then there’s Alex he is so desperate to find out what is on the tapes because he never heard them. Clay tells him he’d rather not know, but of course Alex freaks out. He even has Zach helping out, I’m not really sure why. Is it because he feels guilty about the friends he hangs out with?

Olivia, Hannah’s mother, has made a friend with another mom whose kid killed themselves. She thinks it’ll make her feel better, but really it doesn’t because we find out that she’s kept the dress she found Hannah in, then her new friend goes and washes it without her, well that is a big no no. We then find out she’s been hanging around with Tony. Interesting pairing.

What? So Skye and Clay have a giant argument about Hannah, she storms out and when Clay goes out to see her he finds her in an ambulance. Her mother saying it’s nothing that hasn’t happened before and that she’s ill… what kind of ill? So she has a mental health illness, and she cuts and she must have cut so deep that she needed stitches. We find out that this isn’t the first time a boy has made her want to cut herself. Clay is pissed that he can’t do anything. She ends up breaking up with him and once he leaves the hospital someone in a black Range Rover knocks him off the road.

Everyone is getting blackmailed to stay quiet… even Alex is getting threats.

Jessica is spiralling she has to go to court and Clay tries to tell her she needs to bring up the rape, but she doesn’t want to, and she doesn’t. Even Olivia has a suspicion that Jess is the girl on the tapes who got raped, and she tries to get her to talk, but Jess is so deadest on not saying anything. I feel so bad about the way she feels, that she feels she can’t tell anyone, at least she has Clay.

These new characters they are trying to integrate into the show is interesting. At first I didn’t really like it, but they aren’t that bad. There’s Tyler’s new friends Cyrus and Mackenzie, who are these badass who I think are going to try and toughen him up, because I think he needs it, although Cyrus is kinda sketch, and Tyler totally has a crush on his sister.

Then there’s Nina, who currently we know nothing about, but she’s trying to befriend Jess. And Scott is new, and he’s an asshole and fits right in with the jocks. Ugh.

Now Justin, Jess’s ex, is on the streets., he ran away from home when he stole money from his mom’s boyfriend. It’s Tony and Clay who try to figure out where he fits into all this.

It’s after Clay’s hit and run experience that he tells his parents, in a rushed, angry tone everything going on. That’s when they give him a car because they are worried about his wellbeing. When he sees it, he’s amazed and says no more secrets. I laughed because how long would that last… not very because next scene, he’s hiding Justin in his room, Justin who is addicted to drugs. Heroin to be exact. When Clay finds his stash he freaks the fuck out and calls Tony. Well Tony is so worried about his parole officer that he sends Sherry instead.

Of course Clay isn’t so sure of this, but in the end he trusts her enough to leave her with Justin. She does a good job getting him sober. We find out the reason they went out to find him was so that he could help Jessica and take down Bryce, but she doesn’t want his help, she doesn’t even want to see him.

I like that Jessica and Alex are reconnecting. I’m not so sure if I like them as a couple, but they are really good friends.

I fuckin hate Marcus he lies when he says he tried to touch Hannah’s hand during their date, when it was clearly he touched her thigh. Then he brings in Bryce saying Hannah had a thing for Bryce. Ugh these guys who just get away with all this bullshit.

Mr. Porter their guidance councillor, just sounds so defeated, like you can tell he wants to help the kids that really need it, but he is just defeated… especially when people like Marcus want to be protected because someone is bullying them.

We finally get to see Mr. Baker. It only took 4 episodes to find out what happened to him. He left and apparently has a new life, woah.

Well Alex gets his wish… Clay sends him the tapes… is this going to make things better, I have a feeling it won’t.

It’s Ryan’s turn to testify and he talks about the poems she wrote. But what else we learn is that she was into Justin, daamn! At first I wasn’t sure how true it was, but I’m pretty certain it’s true.

After the trial, Ryan feels the need to go to Mrs. Baker and say sorry, but when she wants to know more about her journals he doesn’t know what to tell her so he really doesn’t say anything because the whole reason he was on the tapes was because he stole her poems… but wouldn’t Mrs. Baker know that if she listened to the tapes? Where is this going?

Tyler and his new pal Cyrus are a little weird. They shoot guns together and now they are wearing matching ‘assholes’ t-shirts. Tyler is upset about how the trials are going, about what the others are saying and he just wants to get back at everyone.

Bryce’s mom I think definitely thinks something is up, when she invites his new girlfriend to dinner and she says Bryce is sweet to her, his mom is surprised… wow.

Well so much for keeping Justin hidden, and now Justin knows that Jess really doesn’t want her or his help so he wants to run off again, but Clay has to spin his webs to help Hannah.

Mr. Porter gets a brink through his car window telling him to stay in his place, but of course he can’t. He’s so far gone to see Bryce’s mom and now Justin’s mom in which he gets a fight with her boyfriend, and that just leads to Mr. Porter getting arrested… I gotta say he really should have listened to that brick.

Okay so the coach of what seems like all sports is just as slimy and awful as his players. Ugh. I have a feeling he’s going to expose Mr. Porter.

It’s now Zach’s turn to testify about the note that Hannah wrote him. Well boy do we find out quite a lot. We learn that he and Hannah became really good friends, we learn that his father died and that the two really got close because they related to each other. When he tells her he’s a virgin the two make this pack to sleep together, and they do, and it’s as awkward as you would imagine it to be. But they continue to see and sleep with each other and I think they are cute… too bad it didn’t last.

Now that this has come out, everyone is extremely pissed at Zach.

Olivia thinks that Clay should testify because he’s in love with her. I like that she can see that.

Justin also returns to the school so now everyone knows he’s back. This clearly agitates Bryce, which gets his girlfriend really upset. Jessica isn’t really happy to see him either, oh boy.

I don’t like what Tyler and Cyrus are doing, messing with everyone who goes to trial. Gah they are assholes… just like their shirts proclaim.

It’s now Clay’s turn to testify and like everyone before we learn more about Hannah. This time we learn that Hannah and Clay did drugs together. I forgot about Jeff, I miss Jeff! Too bad he was killed off 😦

So it’s Jeff who thinks Clay and Hannah should do drugs to hash out their issues, and that’s kinda what they do. They go to Jeff’s house, get high, and have these high philosophical conversations.

Hmm, I have to agree, Clay thinks he’s so much better than everyone else. He thinks that he’s the only one trying to help Hannah and everyone else isn’t. But when his drug confession comes out, well that doesn’t help his case, but I have to agree with Alex, how does anything he’s done make him any better than anyone else.

Alex’s parents throw him a birthday party because they think he needs it but it turns out to be a bit of a mess. Tyler shows up and that agitates both Zach and Jessica. Then Zach lies and says he’s with the guys and that flips Alex off. He starts playing a shooting game which can’t really be good for his psyche. That’s when he has a meltdown about everyone, because he won’t be the same as he used to be.

These pictures keep showing up everywhere of the bad guys doing things to girls with “The Clubhouse” written on the back. Clay is trying to get to the bottom of it… I have a feeling that Tyler is behind these photos.

Did Clay really just post the tapes online?!? Yes, he did, holy hell. Why is he pretending that he doesn’t know? Ugh. Now everyone is on edge and going crazy.

Well obviously Bryce is in hot water. I think Bryce’s girlfriend, Chloe always knew something was up with Bryce, the way he’s so rough and forceful, but I don’t think she knew the extent of what he was capable of.

Then there are his parents, his father clearly thinks it’s because everyone wants to be Bryce that they’re making these “rumours” WOW. I’m glad his mother is more skeptical about all this; I think she thinks he’s capable of something like this. Also there’s Zach’s mom who tells Zach that he needs to stand by his friend Bryce, ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?! WHAT DELUSIONAL WORLD DO YOU LIKE IN?! I’m glad Zach just wants to leave.

And then two seconds later Marcus states that he doesn’t want to support a rapist, wooow.

I really hope Bryce goes down for this.

Hmm. So now it’s Hannah’s parents who are testifying. This is when we learn that 1) Hannah had issues at another school. 2) Her father was having an affair (with the woman he is seeing now) and she knew about. 3) her mother’s side of the family has anxiety issues and her mom didn’t think Hannah would need it. Interesting.

AH! Sky is back, apparently she’s been diagnosed with bi-polar disorder and she’s living in a mental facility, but she looks really good.

Justin shoots up because he can’t deal with all the shit, and he almost dies choking on his own vomit, but its’s Alex who saves him. Clay finds the two of them and is confused, he doesn’t even give a good reason to why he let the tapes out, apparently he thinks everyone needs to hear them. Shit now Justin is going to go back home, looord!

I like how they bring up how Hannah didn’t realize how many people she’s hurt when she killed herself… I feel like that’s never talked about. I feel like people need to know and realize what kind of consequences their actions have.

It’s Mr. Porter’s turn to testify and you can see how much this is hurting him. You can tell how much he feels like he let her down. It’s also in his testimony that he lets it out of the bag that her rapist us Bryce, oh boy. He doesn’t agree that the school did everything they could (which goes against what he’s “supposed” to say on the defence of the school) but he also thinks he didn’t do everything he could for her either.

Ew is Bryce crying?? He’s trying to convince Chloe that she’s “something special” to him. I really hope she doesn’t fall for it. Damnit, she believes him, uhhhhhhh. Zach asks her if she’s okay and it looks like he means it, but she plays along saying she’s fine and that he can tell Bruce she says so. UGH.

Shit, now Clay is being bullied he wants to move, but his parents are too wrapped up in their own drama and their own lives to care. He almost joins Cyrus and Tyler in their misadventures, but instead he finds the clubhouse and he and Justin go to investigate.

It’s Tony’s turn to testify. Now Tony has been having quite the season, he’s met a guy, a really cute guy, and they are becoming an item, which I kinda love. Tony doesn’t want to let him in, but you can see him cracking.

Tony doesn’t know what to do or say because the school is telling him to say one thing, the Bakers another.

We find out that Tony had a crush on Ryan… they go on a date and while on a date the two get called a faggot and that’s when Tony loses it, he punches the guy out. He runs and runs into Hannah who helps him escape, that’s why Hannah entrusted him with the tapes, he owed her.

Interesting plot twist. So they find this girl named Sarah who Hannah and a few others girl used to bully. So now Hannah used to be a bully at her old school, this is interesting. This shows a different side to Hannah that we never knew.

Well Tyler is no longer hanging with Cyrus after he blows it with his sister… all I have to say to that is wow. Those two were a really weird pairing.

Damn, someone trashed Mrs. Baker’s pharmacy. Uh.

We find the Clubhouse and we also learn that it was Zach who was sending Clay the photos because he was too chicken to do anything about it, he knew Clay would do something. Hmmm in all the photos they find Nina, Jessica’s new friend, I have a weird feeling about Nina though.

SHIT! They find a photo of Bryce raping Chloe… his own girlfriend, daaaamn!

It’s now Bryce’s turn to testify. Ugh first off why is he wearing glasses, he looks like a fuckin Abercrombie model. He’s such a smooth talker that you want to believe everything he says. He tells the jury that he had a secret relationship with Hannah, that he was too embarrassed to tell anyone about it. He answers all their questions and he’s out and back at school.

Oh hot damn, the whole school has just gotten into a huge fight, damn! Mr. Porter tries to break it up and ends up hitting the coach, and those two already hate each other; that was a brilliant scene!

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Okay so Clay shows Jessica the picture of Chloe, who then shows Chloe. She had no idea that that had happened to her, so she agrees to testify for the Bakers. Only by the time she gets to the stand she all of a sudden remembers consenting to what happened in the photos. UHHHHHH BYRCE GOT TO HER!!!!!!!!

OH MY GOD. ALEX REMEMBERS. So it’s been Montgomery, Monty, who has been doing Bryce’s dirty work. I never thought it would be him, but it’s totally obvious it was his best friend sending all hate mail. He sends Alex a gun, and that jogs all his memories. He and Montgomery were in the house when Bryce raped Hannah, and Monty saw it but didn’t stop it. Oh god.

Bryce better not use his neglectful parents as an excuse for the reason for why he is the way he is because that’s fucking bullshit.

Clay is going crazy, he keeps hearing Hannah repeat the tapes over and over. He got a gun thanks to Tyler and now he plans to shoot Bryce, but then he turns the gun to his head. Fuck, I’m glad he didn’t shoot. Bryce comes out of his house then, after he’s been stewing with his thoughts (where we find out all his memories with Hannah are reversed, she never liked him at all).

Justin finally goes to testify, but it doesn’t do much good. The jury don’t believe him, even though he tries and tries and tries to tell them that his then girlfriend, Jessica, was raped by Bryce. He doesn’t really have much proof. That’s when they know they need those pictures, but no one knows who has them.

When Alex remembers he knows that Monty must have the tapes. The two go on this wild goose chase only to realize he doesn’t have them. Now they’re stuck again… or well they are unless Jessica comes forward. They all know how hard it is for her so they are okay if she doesn’t want to say anything, but they are all there to back her up if she does. So Jessica goes to make a report, reporting Bryce. We are all so proud of her.

Shit, the verdict comes back and the Bakers lose, meaning Bryce wins. Oh but wait just we think it’s all over, Bryce gets arrested for sexual assault… but the Justin gets arrested for accessory to assault.  Oh man.

Also, uhm what is happening with Tyler? He’s kinda put on the back burner, but he’s become this kid out of control. I have a feeling he’s really going to fuck up some shit. Well he’s sent to a program to deal with his anger. Once he’s through he goes back to school with a whole new mentality and HOLY FUCK WHAT DID WE JUST SEE!?!? Monty is a FUCKIN ASSHOLE… I don’t mean that in a puny way either. I’M SICK.

WOW. Okay so Bryce ends up with 3 months’ probation (with a smirk on his face, obviously) while Justin is stuck in juvi and won’t be released until he gets parental consent… well they can’t find his mother. How unfair!

But! Clay’s mom gets him out temporarily, but they can keep him out permanently if he lets them adopt him. I’m so glad Justin says yes.

The Bakers hold Hannah a service and I think it’s really nice, Clay finally can let Hannah go.

Mrs. Baker pulls a fast one on us, she gives Clay a list of 11 reasons ‘why not’. Is that what next season is going to focus on?

We find out that Nina had the pictures and now she’s burning them.

After Tyler’s hateful encounter in the bathroom he’s dead set on shooting up the fucking school. Clay is the one who talks him down, but those moments before he does, god my heart pounded for Clay. When he finally gets the massive gun away it’s Tony who’s there to help Tyler escape, but Clay is left with this gun!

I can see why there’s going to be another season because they just end the show there, like what? I seriously don’t know if I can handle another season of it.

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