
Take Me Back… A Travel Guide to Martha’s Vineyard, MA, USA

Hello friends, happy Monday, I hope you’re all doing well! I’m back in my last post about my vacation in Massachusetts. Today I’m going to be talking about my day trip to Martha’s Vineyard!

Just like my Salem post, I thought it would be a good idea to separate Martha’s Vineyard from Boston and Salem, as they’re different cities… and this is an island. A really big island I found out!

On our fourth day in Boston, we got up super early so we could catch a tour bus at 6:30 a.m. to head out to Cape Cod to catch a ferry for Martha’s Vineyard – it was a long trek, but worth it!

We arrived at Martha’s Vineyard around 11. I guess when my mum and I booked our trip we decided we would just book our transportation and not an actual tour… in the end we decided to book the tour (everyone on our bus was doing the tour anyways) and I have to say, I’m so glad we did because we never would have seen the whole island the way that we did otherwise. We booked with New England Trips Inc. and our guide getting us there and back was great!

As soon as we were off the ferry, we were directed to a retired school bus. It still looks like a school bus, but the seats inside were transformed into more coach like seats instead of school bus seats. Our tour guide was born and raised in Martha’s Vineyard and the stories he told were amazing! Like, he was in the first Jaws movie – they filmed it on the island and he and a whole bunch of his school friends were some of the kids you saw on the beach! I had no idea it filmed there, so it was really cool to listen to his stories.

We literally toured the whole island in a circle. We started in Oak Bluffs, and our first stop was to Edgartown. This is where they filmed the majority of Jaws.

We were allotted an hour to get off the bus and explore. It was like being in a cute little beach town because your surrounded by water and all the shops sell beach gear and summer fun things. My mum and I walked to the docks and checked out the water. We walked through some of the streets – it really screamed small town. I also found a bookstore (because of course I did!). It had 2 floors and I wanted to buy something so bad, but in the end I left empty handed. I could have spent so much time there… but we only had an hour.

Once we got back on the bus, we drove through Chappaquiddick, Katama, West Tisbury and Chilmark before making another stop in Aquinnah.

This was a brief 20 minute stop to look in on the few shops that were at the top of Aquinnah Cliffs. You can also walk up to see the views. There’s also a lighthouse you can walk to and go up, but we didn’t have enough time for that – so a photo of it had to do.

It was also crazy the change in weather. When we started our tour, it was so warm it felt like summer. By the time we got here, it was significantly colder. We were all bundled up in our coats and pulling the windows up!

It was then a long drive around the top of the island, where it’s less inhabited, and apparently always colder, through Menemsha and Vineyard Haven, taking us back to Oak Bluffs.

It doesn’t sound like a lot, but it was a good 3 hour tour of the island. Meanwhile, our tour guide was telling us about all the famous people who’ve had or currently have houses there, like Obama and Bill Clinton – our guide is actually on friendly terms with Bill Clinton, showing us photos of them over the years of the different occasions. He had a lot of stories, so it was really entertaining.

By the time our tour was done at 2 p.m. we were starving, so we looked around for a place to eat. We got a coupon to one of the restaurants – we didn’t know what the coupon was for, but we decided to check it out. The restaurant was called Coop De Ville and it turns out it was for a free clam chowder, as I’ve never had it before, I took it as an opportunity to try it… and I loved it! I also ordered fish and chips… which were really good – but I wasn’t expecting two giant pieces, I could only eat one!

After our lunch, we decided to go and find what our tour guide called the Gingerbread Houses. They are a bunch of cottages that look like they could be gingerbread houses… they are so cute! We only had enough time to go up and down a few streets. I would have liked to look at them all, we just didn’t have enough time before we had to catch the ferry back to Cape Cod.

And that was pretty much our day on the island! I’m really glad we got to go and tour around. I’d highly recommend it if anyone is interested in going!

Have you ever been to Martha’s Vineyard? Let me know in the comments below! Thanks for reading!

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