Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Age of Legends Trilogy

Hello! I hope everyone’s week is going well. Mine is going, but it’s better than last week. Today I’m going to be reviewing Kelley Armstrong’s trilogy Age of Legends.

I’m still getting over a sinus infection that I acquired last week, not fun at all, but at least I’m getting better! I’m almost there, but I’m still on the antibiotics woohoo (not). Anyways, I haven’t let that stop me from blogging (obviously since I posted on time last week), and I’m trying to this week, so without further delay, my review. 😛


Sea of Shadows

Sea of Shadows by: Kelley Armstrong:  The first novel in the Age of Legends trilogy. Here we meet our main characters, Moria and Ashyln, twins who are more than just a set of twins. Where they live twins are a very rare commodity, and are special. One is the Seeker, while the other is the Keeper and they hear spirits; once they do they must obey no matter what. They must travel to the emperor to deliver a message, and explain what has happened to their village of Edgewood. The novel is the beginning tale of adventure, battles, and betrayal. Although this story started off slow, it steadily began to get better as the plot started to take off on the journey. The novel left the reader wondering what will happen next, as it got really good just as the first novel came to an end. A tactic used to hook the reader into the next novel. The characters were, for the most part all right. They came off as not the smartest people, but throughout the novel started growing. Overall, it was a wild tale of fantasy, and imagination.

Empire of Night

Empire of Night by: Kelley Armstrong: The second novel in the Age of Legends trilogy. Sent on a mission to rescue the children of Edgewood it becomes a long, and winding battle. As they go to rescue their people the twin sisters, Moria and Ashyn get separated, one as a captive and the other trying to fight her way. This novel is much better than the first. There is a lot more action, and adventure. Whatever romantic plots the author tried to add, was kept to a minimal, which kept the plot moving fairly quickly. One thing that was definitely annoying, but was used as a literary device a few too many times, was the cliffhanger. The plot would get really good, and the author would let it hang and switch character point of views. Sure it works the first few times, but after the fifth and sixth time it gets stale. Overall, this novel took the characters and the plots to new highs and lows, there was fantasy mixed with survival, which are a good pair, and the ending leaves the reader wondering how it will all end.

Forest of Ruin

Forest of Ruin by: Kelley Armstrong: The third and final novel in the Age of Legends trilogy. In the concluding novel, the reader is redirected to the main, and original plot of this trilogy- to save their town and its children. Along the way, the twins Moria and Ashyn, the Seeker and Keeper find each other after being apart most of the series. Not only do they get to see each other again and fight a war, they also get to fall in love. Now the romantic plotlines were just a little wishy washy in the sense that it felt clumsy, and added in at the wrong times. It’s supposed to be portraying a first love and all, but it didn’t really suit this trilogy. The plots with the dragons fit right in, and that was captivating to read. For the most part characters developed slowly, if at all. It was like we only got snippets of who they are because so much was going on. Overall, this novel concluded the story very well, besides having some hiccups; it took the reader on a mystical adventure.

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