Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: The Caster Chronicles

Hello, and welcome to another week of reviews! Today I’m going to be reviewing Kami Garcia’s and Margaret Stohl’s Caster Chronicles.

So I actually read this series two years ago, (I think that’s around the time the movie was made and the novels got super popular). I thought I’d start the week off with a bit of a throwback to these novels, plus I currently just finished reading a novel from a spin off series that I plan to post later this week!

Beautiful Creatures

Beautiful Creatures by: Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl: The first novel in the Caster Chronicles. Ethan a normal kid who lives in a small town where everything is always the same, and the women rule the town. But then along comes a girl, Lena, who changes his world. Not only to become his girlfriend, but to change his views on himself and the town. The book was captivating and kept your attention from page one, all the way until the very last page. The plot and storyline felt fresh, and not over used. The characters felt real, and were really well crafted. It was a novel about the supernatural, and told in a gothic and creepy sort of way to catch the attention of the readers. Overall it was a great novel that could potentially continue to be a really great series.


Beautiful Darkness

Beautiful Darkness by: Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl: The second novel in the Caster Chronicles. In this novel, Lena still needs to choose light or dark, but she doesn’t know which to choose. If she chooses dark, all her light caster family will die and vise versa. It’s up to Ethan, her one true love to help save her and put her on the right path. The novel is filled with lots of drama, and action to keep the reader reading. The fact that this caster world exists inside the normal world makes it even more interesting. In this novel, both the magic world, and the regular world come together to help Lena choose her path. It was an interesting and captivating novel, that left the reader wanting more. The authors did a really good job storytelling. Overall, this was a good follow-up novel to the first.


Beautiful Chaos

Beautiful Chaos by: Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl: The third novel in the Caster Chronicles. This time, as the title explains, everything is chaos. Ethan wants to sacrifice his life to save the town he has come to love, and the people in it. The town has gone to shambles because the darkest of the dark Casters are trying to take over. The novel was a well written, but throughout the novel there were dry spots where it was just boring to read. The plot got real slow, and the reader just wanted to read because something big is on the cusp of happening, but the authors are torturing the readers by giving a million details right before all the action. The novel ended on a cliff-hanger and so the reader has to wait until the next book to find out what happens, how cruel!


Beautiful Redemption

Beautiful Redemption by: Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl: The final novel in the Caster Chronicles. Ethan has sacrificed his life for the ones he loves, but it was all a mistake and it wasn’t supposed to happen. That’s when he makes it his journey to get back home. This novel is written a little differently than the past three novels. In this novel we get different points of view, instead of it being just Ethan, we get his girlfriend Lena’s point of view as well. The novel was a journey novel, in order for something to happen a challenge was made which made the plotline and story interesting and kept things moving. Overall, the whole series was something a little different, and if you’re into the supernatural, definitely something to check out!

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