Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Heartless

Hi friends, I hope everyone is doing well, and still continuing to stay safe. I know here, some of the lockdown has been lifted and we’re allowed to form in groups of 10, while still social distancing. And after everything that has been going on in the world, Black Lives still Matter, Trans Lives still Matter. Today. Tomorrow. And every day after that.

Today I’m going to be posting my review of Marissa Meyer’s novel Heartless.


Heartless by: Marissa Meyer: An Alice in Wonderland retelling, one that focuses on the Red Queen, before she was the Red Queen. Catherine had so many hopes and dreams, a baker at heart, all she wants is to open a bakery with her best friend and fall in love with the man she chooses. Her parents on the other hand, have different plans; they want her to marry the King to give their family status. This novel was fast-paced and was super engaging. The plot was so well done; the whole backstory to the Red Queen was such a joy to read and really resonates to any baker. The wonderful descriptions of all the pastries was mouth-watering and really left the reader craving sweets. Not only was the baking so much fun, but the love story was also really well done. Forbidden love at its finest. Catherine’s character arc was such a journey to go on; not only was it so thought out, but it felt really relatable and believable. Not only was the main character a great, well flushed and developed character, but all the secondary characters were so well done too. They also go through some major arcs that really shape the story that leaves the reader craving more. This was such a pleasure to read, the only complaint is that there isn’t more.

3 thoughts on “Review: Heartless

  1. I’ve heard this one has amazing food descriptions. Makes me hesitant to read it because I’m always hungry 😂😂😂😂😂

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