Movies · Reviews

Movie Review: Baby Driver

Hi guys! Happy Monday! πŸ˜€ Today I’m going to be posting my review on the movie Baby Driver.

Do yourself a favour; watch this movie.
Baby Driver: From a young age Baby has loved music, when an accident messes with his hearing he uses music to cope. Working in heist situations is all he’s known for some time, being the getaway driver. He’s almost paid off his debts, he just has to do one more ride, so Baby starts to plan his life for after his criminal life. He meets a girl named Debora and slowly starts to fall in love. Only his last job wasn’t his last, instead his boss still needs him. Now Baby has to find the balance and a way out of his life of crime, while trying to be a good person. This movie, the actors were picked so well because they all worked so well with each other, add the amazing writing and you get a very good match. This movie was a mix of music, and car racing, thriller and a little romance, it sounds odd, but it was the perfect mix. The racing and stunt driving was some of the best out there, and the music complimented it all so well. There isn’t a single thing that was wrong with this movie because everything was thought of and thought out well.

10 thoughts on “Movie Review: Baby Driver

  1. I saw this last week and I loved it! It was a lot more intense than I was expecting but I enjoyed it nevertheless. Great review😊

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  2. Great review for this film Meghan. πŸ™‚ I haven’t seen Baby Driver myself, and I think it’s too late to see it in the cinema now because I don’t know if any near me are still playing this film, but I’ve heard plenty of amazing things about it. One of my work colleagues saw it and she loved it as well.
    Maybe one day I’ll get around to it, but at the moment my to-watch list is almost as long as my to-read list is! πŸ˜€

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