Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: The Body Finder Series

Hi all, today I’m going to be reviewing Kimberly Derting’s The Body Finder series.

I’m not going to lie, this series has been a long time coming. I started to read it back in August of 2014, and I just finished the last novel this past week. The first novel wasn’t the greatest, but the series did get better as I continued on. What took me so long was the fact that, like many other series that I’ve picked up again recently, I just dropped it and forgot about it. This happened to quite a few series, but I’m determined to finish all that I have started, so I’m starting with this one. Let me know your thoughts on this series!

The Body Finder

The Body Finder by: Kimberly Derting: The first novel in the Body Finder series. We meet Violet, who is not like any normal seventeen-year-old girl. She can find bodies, and not just any body, but dead ones. When a serial killer is on the loose, the police chief needs her help finding the body. It’s a creepy, thriller type novel that keeps the reader reading. It’s got a lot of suspense, but on top of her weird gift that she has, there is a love story thrown in the mix for good measures. If that doesn’t tickle your fancy, well then you may have to find a new book. But this is only the first novel, so the story may get better, though the ending didn’t seem to end like there was more. We can only read on and hope for more. Overall, it’s satisfactory.



Desires of the Dead

Desires of the Dead by: Kimberly Derting: The second novel in the Body Finder series. Violet can find dead bodies that have been discarded by their echo. Finding the body of a little boy, she has no idea how she plans to call for help without tipping off the police that she found it. Even with the precautions, she tips off Sara Priest of the FBI. On top of all this, she has someone after her, leaving her messages, and a dead cat. The novel was definitely a mystery wrapped in another mystery, which had readers turning the page. The story of Violet is really captivating, as much as it’s a little disturbing that she can find dead bodies, it’s still a really interesting and original story. The characters were all very well created; they didn’t come totally off as annoying teenagers, but they were believable characters. Overall, this novel was a good follow up to the first novel in this series, with a good story.

The Last Echo

The Last Echo by: Kimberly Derting: The third novel in the Body Finders series. Violet has decided to join Sara Priest, and her team to use her abilities to help the police. Sara’s team is a group of people who, like Violet, have a special ability. They all have some supernatural power, and together they are on a case, only this case takes a drastic turn. Because Violet doesn’t give up on the case, this gets the killers’ attention. This novel is full of suspense; as things spin out of control the reader can’t help but continue to read. Rafe, a new character, who was introduced in the previous novel, but came alive in this novel, was thrown into the mix to shake up Violet’s love life. This plot felt forced, and it just doesn’t make sense to throw it in this far in the series. Violet and her boyfriend Jay have proven to be a strong couple that it felt clichéd to add a new guy to throw the reader for a loop. Aside from that plotline, the rest of the novel was really well crafted and really well written. The author gives away key points without giving too much away; it was done very well. Overall, this novel has been one of the best, if not the best out of the series so far.

Dead Silence

Dead Silence by: Kimberly Derting: The fourth and final novel in the Body Finder series, although the author left the novel really open to interpretation on how it all ends. Violet gets a hold of her grandmother’s journals, (her grandmother had the same power as she does) and finds out a few things about herself. It also helps her to explain what is happening with the new body that she has found. The killer is still on the loose and takes Violet’s best friend Chelsea. Now Violet has to try to save her. She also has to make the decision to either stay with the group, or to quit it like her grandmother tried to do in the past. This novel was really good. The number of surprises and plots that went on in this novel really had the reader at the edge of their seats. As mentioned the ending just leaves it up for the reader to decide what happens, which makes it feel like the series isn’t over. It just felt a little lazy to end it that way just because the author decided to reveal so much and the reader got no satisfaction or payoff in the end. Other than the ending, the rest of the novel was the best storytelling, and the best plots of the series. Overall, this series was creative, and original and exciting to read.

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