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The Classics: The Art of War

Hi friends and happy Friday! I hope you’re all doing well. I’m back again today with yet another classic read! Today I’m posting my reading update thoughts on Sun Tzu’s The Art of War.

Read more: The Classics: The Art of War

The classic by Sun Tzu. The definitive guide to strategy, tactics, and success.

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This is definitely a different reading experience and I can see why people would 1) study this book and 2) use it as a way to guide you on living your life because there are so many concepts in here (and they’re not even long, they’re just snippets) that can be taken quite literally and used to apply to life. Some of them are interesting, but some of them really make sense. Although, taken in the wrong context I can see how these ideas that Sun Tzu had could be used the wrong way. It’s been a fascinating read and I’m not mad I picked this up, I’m glad to be reading it. It’s a fast to read if you’re just reading it, but fully grasping the things he’s talking about takes more time and focus. I look forward to continuing!

Much of my thoughts are the same as last week, since the last few chapters continued in the same format as the first ones, just with different aspects to war. Sun Tzu really did look at war from all angles and had ideas for it all, in which some made more sense than others. As I said last week, this was a different read for me but one that I’m glad I read. There are definitely concepts you can go back to and reference that don’t just apply to military, even though that is what this book is heavily used for. The fact that it’s so short sort of leaves it up to the reader to interpret their own meaning and how to apply it. Overall, it was a good and interesting reading experience.

 Have you read The Art of War? Let me know in the comments!

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