Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Home Fire

Hello friends, happy Friday! I hope you all had a great week! Today I’m going to be posting my review of Kamila Shamsie’s novel Home Fire.

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Home Fire

Home Fire by: Kamila Shamsie: Isma leaves home to fly to America to pursue her dreams. While she’s there she meets Eamonn, the son of a very well-known political leader. It’s through Isma that Eamonn meets her sister, Aneeka, a very willful person, who sees his courtship as an opportunity to learn about and hopefully get her brother, Parvaiz home after he set out to prove himself to a father he never knew. Slowly but surely, this novel pulls back all the layers of their lives to reveal truths and sacrifices they all must make. This novel was really well written and thought out. The reader wanted to like this more, but as a non-literary fiction reader, this reader didn’t care for being placed randomly in the characters’ lives or the fact that the ending felt ambiguous. The novel started out strong; we’re dropped in the middle of these character’s lives and we work through each of their points of view to give us a full picture of the truth. The reader liked how all of these characters were intertwined in each other’s lives and how they each had a different view point that they saw as being the truth; the reader loves these types of perspectives because it’s always so fascinating to see how one character interprets something another character will see as completely different, yet it’s the same thing happening to both; truly captivating. It was also riveting to see how one character thought they were doing something for the best of another, not realizing the implications their actions had. It was honestly some beautiful and masterful writing. The characters didn’t do too much for the reader; they were developed with a multitude of layers and complexities, which really played out in their actions and motives but they didn’t feel very memorable. In the end though, this was still a good read on how far people are willing to go for the people they love and the homes they’ve built.  

3 thoughts on “Review: Home Fire

    1. I had to look that up because I’ve never heard of Antigone, but now that I’ve briefly read the synopsis I can see the resemblance to this story. Glad to hear you enjoyed this!

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