Photography · The Every Day Life

Photo Blog: Fall Through My Instagram Photos

Hi everyone! As I promised last week, I’m here with another photo blog! Today to celebrate Winter moving in, I’m going to look back at all my photos from Autumn!

You can follow me on Instagram: meghan___murphy

In this photo blog includes photos of:

  • Food, lots and lots of food. I tried my hand at making apple sauce and apple pie from scratch. I think they both turned out pretty good.
  • Also in food you’ll see sushi (I’ve become a little obsessed).
  • And I can’t forget my sweets with cookies, donuts, and of course a gingerbread house.
  • I also went apple and pumpkin picking- then I carved the pumpkin!
  • I went to a haunted mansion for Halloween called Legends of Horror, where I learned more about my best friend ha!
  • I went to Medieval Times for the first time on my birthday!
  • As Christmas rolled around I went to the Toronto Christmas Market.
  • And I can’t forget about Instagraming photos of the books I’m reading.

With that being said, let’s get to the photos!


Thanks for viewing!

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