Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Lost in the Never Woods

Hi friends and happy Friday! We’ve made it to the end of the week, woohoo! I hope you’re all doing well! Today I’m going to be posting my review of Aiden Thomas’ novel Lost in the Never Woods.

Lost in the Never Woods

Lost in the Never Woods by: Aiden Thomas: Five years ago, Wendy and her two brothers, John and Michael went missing. Wendy made it back, but her brothers didn’t; they’re still out there lost as far as anyone else knows. Now, more children around the town are starting to go missing and signs are starting to point to Wendy and her disappearance. Realizing that the Peter Pan of her stories, may not be so fictional and might be connected to these recent disappearances. This Peter Pan retelling was a lot of fun. This reader hasn’t visited the story in years so it was fun to get this darker glimpse of Neverland, Peter and Peter’s shadow. The first chapter really set everything up and wasted no time getting started, which the reader really liked. Everything was established and we could sorta see where the story was going to go. The next couple chapters fell a little flat as the pacing became very sluggish and it took time to get through them; it felt very info dumpy. After that the pacing did pick up and the reader was able to enjoy the story. There were quite a few twists and turns that the reader didn’t see coming, some more shocking then others but were still impactful to the story. Also, the vibe of this novel was really good; it had small town, middle of the night, always cloudy vibes that the reader really enjoyed. It made for an atmospheric reading experience that was pleasant. The romance in this novel was alright, the reader could have done without it, but it does play a vital role in the overall story so it’s understandable why it was used. The characters were really flushed out and they had so much heart. Wendy carried around so much guilt and the reader could physically feel its weight at times, especially near the end. Her parents were just shells of people, and the reader hated that at times, but it rang true to the things that happened to them; it felt real and raw. Peter was an interesting character, his flaws played a big part of the story yet he was still a fun character to read about. Overall, this was a well written, moody novel that was very enjoyable to read.

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