Book Lists & Recommendations

Dessertathon TBR

Hi friends and happy Tuesday! I’m here with a spontaneous blog post because I have gone back and forth SO many times if I was going to do this readathon, but today I’m here to say that, yes I will be participating!

Read more: Dessertathon TBR

I want to thank Kristin @Kristin Kraves Books for introducing me to this readathon, and I want to thank Lauren @Narrative Paradise for pushing me (not very hard haha, but enough) to really sit down and put books to the prompts and join in on the fun.

I love baking, so it’s no surprise that this would sound like such a cool idea for a readathon! The premise of this readathon is join a team and bake a baked good. Like both Kristin and Lauren I’m going to be joining the Cozy Cookies team!

To learn more about the readathon you can watch this video:

As I mentioned above I’m joining the Cozy Cookies team and our goal is to bake cookies! 🍪

Each ingredient is attached to a book prompt:

Now for my TBR:

Butter: Slippery – Keeps Sliding off your TBR

Where the Drowned Girls Go by: Seanan McGuire

Sugar: Sweet – Feel Good Book

One Last Stop by: Casey McQuiston

Vanilla: Standard Flavour – Book You Keep Saying You’ll Read

All My Puny Sorrows by: Miriam Toews

Eggs: In a Dozen! – Part of a Series

Wishing Day by: Lauren Myracle

Flour: Back to the Basis – Favourite Genre

I’m terrible at picking a favourite genre because I love reading from so many genres, but I’m going to go with:

He Said/She Said by: Erin Kelly – this is a mystery thriller and I usually rate those really high!

Salt: Salty – Tear Jerker

Five Little Indians by: Michelle Good

I will just say that I’m not a crier, but I do think this book could be very emotional.

Chocolate Chips: Chocoholic – Guilty Pleasure

I don’t really believe in guilty pleasures but sometimes I find YA can be a guilty pleasure so I’m going with:

The Love Interest by: Cale Dietrich

And there you have it! I have made a TBR, I’m actually really proud of myself because I honestly didn’t think I’d be able to do it. Are you participating in this readathon? Let me know, link your posts below! If you are, have fun! 😊

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