TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… True Blood Season One

Hi! Welcome to TV Tuesday! This week I’m going to be starting a new TV show: True Blood, and today I’m going to be talking all about season 1.

From left to right: Michael Raymond-James as Rene Lenier, Stephen Moyer as Bill Compton, Ryan Kwanten as Jason Stackhouse, Anna Paquin as Sookie Stackhouse, Rutina Wesley as Tara Thornton, Jim Parrack as Hoyt Fortenberry, Carrie Preston as Arlene Fowler and Sam Trammell as Sam Merlotte.

I have no idea what to make of this show. So the vampires are now out in the open amongst the living.

The show definitely has it’s creepy factor and it’s very eerie which is fun if you like spooky things.

These two weirdos plan to take blood from a vampire that happens to walk into a restaurant. The two want the blood for money, but the waitress Sookie is very pro vampire, isn’t she supposed to be a vampire, she can read people’s minds so I think she’s one, but does she know, or do anyone she knows know she is one!? Well Sookie goes out to rescue this vampire because she cares a lot of him. Then again apparently her boss Sam is in love with her, and her best friend Tara just goes along with everything. But I do have to say I like her, she stands up for herself, which I love, but it gets her out of her jobs. But Sam has a soft spot for her too and gives her a job.

We find out the vampire she saves is named Bill and he wants to know what she is, and I want to know what she is too. We also find out that this guy who’s been having sex throughout the episode is Jason, Sookie’s brother and he has a girlfriend… who he wasn’t fucking throughout the episode, damn, drama!! Well that woman he was fucking is now dead, strangled in her apartment, so did Jason do it?!?

Well he gets arrested at work, or well brought in, so I think he did it.

So it turns out Jason didn’t kill the girl so he’s let go.

Then Sookie makes plans with a vampire and well she gets beat up by the two who beat the vampire, which the two are known as The Rats.

Of course her vampire friend Bill saves her, he wants her to drink his blood, but she doesn’t want to because she doesn’t want to turn into a vampire. Apparently she won’t, and she tells him about her mind reading, so she doesn’t know why she can, and only her closest friends know she can. Now that she’s drank his blood all her scenes have been heightened and people are starting to get suspicious, especially her gran.

Her gran seems to like the idea of vampires and really wants to meet Bill, and so Sookie sets up a meeting and it goes alright, although Jason is a complete prick.

I don’t understand why Tara is completely in love with Jason, like she’s a smart girl, but she is not smart in the men she likes.

And again Sookie finds herself in hot water with a vampire. She kisses him, and he goes weird. Then when she goes to find him at his vampire house, there are many of them there who want to eat her. Well she manages to get out of that again thanks to Bill. She doesn’t like that he owned her, but even he tells her that if he didn’t then all the others would have bitten her.

She’s on and off about her feelings for him. First she’s saying yes then no, then back to yes so much more that they end up sleeping together. I have to be honest, Bill is so unattractive and I can’t get behind them as a couple, but who I can get behind is Sam and Tara. Lord those two are so cute. I find it hilarious that Sam is after Sookie and Tara is after Jason.

So both Tara and Sam hook up just for sex, but I have a feeling they’ll get together for real, or well I really hope so. We also learn some more into Tara’s life, we find out her mother is a drunk and that’s why she doesn’t want to go home. We can see how guilty she feels about leaving her mother, but she has to protect herself.

We also find out about her cousin is Lafayette, and I love his character. He’s this gay character who is so flamboyant and full of life. He works as a cook at the restaurant and he works construction. At first I was like why is this guy everywhere!? But I do like his character. 

Well Sookie finds her friend and co-worker, Dawn dead in her bed. That same girl Jason slept with the night before. So now they think Jason had something to do with it again.

It ends up being Tara who gets him out with her lawyer talk and claims that Jason was with her so he couldn’t have murdered Dawn.

Now Sookie is off to a vampire club to find out information. With the club gets raided by cops so that doesn’t end very well.

Jason has other problems, such as an erection that he can’t get rid of because he drank vampire blood. In the end it’s Tara who takes him to the hospital and saves him. We also get some backstory from Tara and Jason saved her from her mother when she was eight, so this is her getting even with him I guess.

Then there’s Sam, wtf was that?!? He goes to Dawn’s house to smell her sheets. What is going on?!? I like Sam! We learn that Sookie can’t really read his mind, she only can hear sounds, so I really think there is something going on with him. I don’t think he’s human.

Well now Sam is trying once more to get with Sookie and well that doesn’t go well.

Ugggh didn’t Jason learn his lesson the first time. So Lafayette gives him more vampire blood, at least this time it’s a manageable amount. It’s also Lafayette who tells Jason that Tara is in love with him. So while he’s high he tells her his feelings, who knows if they’re true or not.

The entire town gets to meet Bill the vampire and we learn a little of his past, and you can tell we’ve dug up some sort of past. We learn how he became a vampire and the one that made him is back. We learn that he had a family and once he was turned he could never return and he regrets that the most. I feel we’re going to dive into this.

See, I knew that Jason didn’t mean what he said to Tara, because Tara finds him having sex with someone else outside the bar, go figure.

Then bam, we end an episode on Sookie finding her grandmother dead, blood everywhere. God please tell me it wasn’t Sam.

So Sookie and Jason’s gran is dead and now everyone is blaming Sookie because they believe it was Bill did it. Even Jason when he finds out blames Sookie, that was sad to see.

Then at the funeral Tara’s mother shows up and speaks actually very nicely of their grandmother. She’s become this whole different person. She tells Tara that she has a demon living inside her, and she needs money to get the demon out. At first Tara is contemplating helping her mother but when she finds out she needs money, that’s when she walks away. Man. In the end Tara goes to her mother.

And there is something going on with Jason as he’s having vision problems and he’s got this super human strength.

And damn, Sookie and Bill hook up and she lets him bite her, I wonder where this could lead. Well it leads to everyone thinking she’s a slut and they can’t understand why she would do it. Then the vampires come and they are pissed at Bill, and that’s when he leaves with them. Now the town is after the vampires, and Sookie wants to warn them but she can’t find them. 

The guys burn down a house where the vampires were and now we don’t know if Bill was one of the four who died.

Tara is in denial that her mother has a demon, but when she causes a public skeptical that Tara decides to take her to someone who can get the demon out. I wonder if that’ll help. Well after all is said and done, the woman claims that Tara has a demon, and that explains all the horrible things in her life.

Then Jason is on the hunt for vampire blood, he’s super obsessed. He even goes to the vampire club, but he’s too chicken to ask an actual vampire for it. That’s where he meets this random girl, Amy who has V and together they mix it with aspirin and snort it. Man do they go on a trip! Apparently it’s better than sex because they don’t have sex while on V.

We learn how Jason and Sookie’s parents died, in a flash flood when they were both young. He’s admitting all of these things to Amy and they just met and she’s totally into him, believing in him.

And Sookie is in a furious rage on everyone because she thinks Bill is dead. She even snaps at Tara when all Tara wants to do is tell her about her mother, and that her mother made her pancakes instead of drinking.

Okay, so I knew Bill wasn’t going to be dead, but god when she finds him, ugh. He pops out of the earth naked and they have sex, like what?!? Now she’s a little too happy and she wants to let the whole world know, god is she ever annoying.

Daaamn, Amy just told Sookie off. Sookie wanted to warn her about her brother, and Amy comes back saying she doesn’t think Jason’s reached his full potential yet and that she’ll be surprised when he does.

Okay now I’m not so sure about Amy, she’s acting all weird. Like she’s having a withdrawal. So what do they do they follow Lafayette to see him acquire the vampire blood. Apparently he has a boyfriend in one of them.

Well Amy and Jason wait for Lafayette to leave and they attack the old man vampire. Jason is completely flabbergasted by it all. But he goes along with it and in the end they do the V from the vampire. And after their trip Amy tells Jason she loves him, that’s a little fast and of course he says it back.

After having the vampire locked up in his basement for a while, Jason goes down to him and they have this sort of heart to heart,

which made me wonder are we supposed to be led to believe he’s gay? But he does warn him about Amy and how she’s no good, and more dangerous than he is.

And of course Tara is curious about her demon so she goes to the voodoo woman. Apparently she’s worth than her mothers demon and it’s gunna cost her a pretty penny too.

The biggest and oldest vampire Eric needs Sookie’s help to find missing money and Eric knows what she can do. Now why couldn’t the actor who plays Eric play Bill?! Eric is very attractive and we only get to see him once in a while.

Well Sookie helps them and the vampire they’re looking for attacks Sookie, it’s Bill who kills him. Now Eric has summoned Bill to go away because he killed another vampire. He asks Sam to watch over her, and of course she hates that since there’s a vampire after her. I also hate that she is mad at Sam for sleeping with Tara when she’s not with Sam like chill girl.

But now we have proof that Sam can turn into a dog as he runs away from the cops and follows Sookie to Bill’s house. She lets him sleep on the bed as a dog, but during the night she wakes up to find Sam naked, HA! That was truly hilarious.

He finally comes out and tells Sookie he’s a shape shifter and that he’s never told anyone. And of course Sookie is mad that he never told her and brings up the kiss and how he wanted more. Ugh Sookie get over yourself.

What is Amy’s game? Now she wants to be friends with the vampire, Eddie and give him Stockholm syndrome so that they don’t have to keep him locked up and then they can travel and see the world, I sense some ulterior motives here. Well what does Amy do? Oh she kills Eddie the vampire since Jason wants to let him go. Geeeeez

Now Jason wants out of her life, but he loves her so he doesn’t totally want to. Instead they’re going to try and make it work.

Well they do V one last time, as while they are on their trip, someone, I think we’re to believe a vampire, kills Amy. Well I guess that’s the end of her. Of course they arrest Jason.

Sam gives Tara the money to do the exorcist and well it works for her, I wonder how different she’s going to be. Weeeellllll turns out the whole thing was a scam. While at a drug store she runs into the exorcist lady and turns out she just needs the money to raise her grandchildren and her children who are either in prison or sick. Wow holy. I have to say I’m glad Tara wasn’t going to change because I like her character too much.

But now that she knows that everything was a scam she’s drinking and she gets caught and put in jail when she runs her car off the road because she sees a naked woman in the street. Not liking this plot. Now the tables are turned; Tara’s mother is clean and sober and goes to visit Tara in jail to tell her that she’s not going to bail her out because she doesn’t think it’s good for either of them. Obviously Tara is pissed because all those years putting up with her drunk mother and now one incident and her mother turns her back on her, that’s just so sad to see.

So it’s a social worker that bails Tara out, and offered her a place to stay. I’m not going to lie it kinda looks like the naked lady she saw.

God I have to say the intro to Terry’s character is brilliant he’s funny without being funny, and I love it.

Turns out a vampire execution is to rip the fangs out of them. It looks painful. Bill’s punishment is to kill a human, but obviously Bill doesn’t want to do that. So this magister wants Bill to make the human a vampire, and that he seems to be okay with.

But now that Jessica has turned into a vampire and she’s kinda crazy. She lived in a very religious and controlled house so now she’s free and wants to kill everyone, Bill has some work ahead of him.

We’re starting to learn more and more about Sam. He was adopted and at age 15 his parents left him. Wow.

So Lafayette knows Jason did something to Eddie the vampire he just doesn’t know what.

Sookie has someone or something trying to kill her, now that she’s no longer mad at Sam, she’s asked for his help to find out who is behind it all. Well of course the two end up kissing and of course that’s when Bill comes back and what does he do, attack Sam of course. That’s when Sookie yells at Bill and throws him out, damn.

In the season finale, Sookie is mad that everyone believes her brother did it. Now she’s riding with Rene one of the guys Jason works with. Sookie makes a point to tell him that his thoughts don’t have an accent, which leads me to believe he doesn’t have one, I truly don’t think he ever had one. Now his finance, Arleen finds a box of tapes he made off his killings.

So now Sam smelling the Dawn’s sheets makes sense, he was trying to smell her killer, and he smells Rene’s vest and it’s the same scent that was on the bed, so now Sam is after Sookie.

And then Bill feels Sookie’s distress and gets up and leaves the house in the middle of the day, even though it gives him great pain.

Rene finally reached Sookie and tries to kill her because she’s a freak of nature and because she was with a vampire. He was trying to blame it all on Jason.

Sam comes as a dog to save her, and Bill as a pile of ashes pretty much. When Sam is knocked unconscious is becomes naked and I have to say a naked Sam trying to save a dying vampire is hilarious!

Well it’s Sookie who kills Rene, or drew is his real name, with a shovel to the neck.

I don’t know what this cop has against Jason, but he’s super mad that he has to let Jason go.

I have to say I like the way Jason’s character is going. He’s not the douche he started off as and he’s becoming a better person.

I knew there was something wrong with the woman Tara’s been spending time with. I knew she wasn’t human, and when she introduces her to Sam, Sam knows her. I bet you they are both shapeshifters.

I love when Sookie sees Bill and goes ‘you’re alive’ and he goes ‘technically not’ ha! I knew he wasn’t going anywhere.

Two weeks later Sam looks like he’s running away with all the money he’s saved up since he’s just become super pissed off at everyone. Bill is stuck with his vampire Jessica because Eric doesn’t want her. I wonder how Sookie will react to that. Sookie and Tara find a dead body or what we’re led to believe is a dead body in the detectives car.

I’m obsessed with this show. I love vampires and this is perfect.

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