Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Salt to the Sea

Hi everyone! I hope everyone is having a good Wednesday! Today I’m going to be reviewing Ruta Sepetys’ novel Salt to the Sea.

Salt to the Sea

Salt to the Sea by: Ruta Sepetys: In the winter of 1945, World War II’s end is near. Four teenagers embark on a journey to safety, all from different countries, all have a different story to tell. Based on the true events of an unknown tragedy, Sepetys exposes and brings to life what happened that winter in the form of fictional characters. These characters were really well thought out and made the reader feel for them. The only thing that really took away from them was the fact that the chapters were so short that it took a while for the reader to get a feel for them. Otherwise, having short chapters really made this novel fly by. The plot is a bit of a whirlwind; the story moved at a rapid pace and as the end got closer there was a shift that the reader could tell something big was about to happen. The ending was done well, and really shocked the reader. This novel was definitely engaging and gave the reader a history lesson worth reading about.

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