TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… You Season Two

Hi guys, welcome back to TV Tuesday! Today I’m going to talking all about the second season of Netflix’s You.

The season starts with Joe… who is now Will in LA. Okay.

He’s moved to LA because he’s on the run, shocker. At the end of last season Candace came back telling Joe they had unfinished business. We now know that business is that she knows what Joe did to Beck. So he’s on the run, his logic here is that if he goes to a place that everyone knows he hates, that would be the last place they would look for him.

Well, I think Candace knows where Joe is, but she’s going to fuck with him first, because you can’t not.

So he gets himself an apartment, where he’s slowly befriending this 15 year old who lives in the building, which is creepy but the relationship they have works… this is like when he was friends with that 10 year old last season, what’s with his weird young friends?!

He gets himself a job… in a bookstore, go figure. And of course while he’s at work he meets a girl… Love. Of course that’s her name.

He tells himself he’s not going to get involved with her, but that’s out the window the second he actually talks to her. So he gets social media just to stalk her. That’s when he finds out she’s married, of course she is. But it isn’t what we think, she was married, but her husband died, and she can tell by looking in his eyes that he’s loved deep and lost too. Okay, I think we’re reading too much into this.

We get this flashback with his mother… I honestly believe he has mommy issues. Even in the flashback it looks like he doesn’t like to be left alone or separated from his mother. Can we get more of this? I want to know his history here.

After his date with Love, he comes home to find out some Jasper came to see him. I’m like who the heck is Jasper, I don’t remember him from last season… WELL, that’s because he STOLE SOMEONE’S IDENTITY!! He has the real Will locked up in a storage locker… WTF?!

It’s only the second episode in and someone is dead, killed Dexter style, Will/Joe loses part of his finger and still Will/Joe is suuuuper obsessed with Love.

I have to admit, I do like Love; I like her personality, she just says things how they are or how she feels, and she doesn’t really care. Very free spirited. She knows something is up with Will/Joe and she just thinks it’s his ex that causing him so much pain…. WELL!

He has literal pain when the real Will owe this Jasper man what he thinks is 3k. When Joe gets that money, Jasper thinks he’s dense because it’s actually 50k that Will owes. So Jasper cuts the top of Joe’s finger off. Lord.

Now, the real Will, played by Robin Lord Taylor, Penguin from Gotham, I do love his acting, finds out, he tells him his joy Rufus can help… only Rufus gives Joe pills and not cash. So what does Joe do, he just murders in cold blood to get rid of Jasper. That’s one way of doing it.

Since when does Joe feel the need to parent his 15 year old neighbour, Ellie? Her older sister Lila knows something is up with Joe and she wants him to stay away, it obviously doesn’t help when he sees Ellie at a party and thinks she needs help. All he’s been told is this Henderson is a bad guy, so he wants to find something incriminating to take down Henderson… at the same time Love’s twin brother Forty (what kind of name is Forty?!) is trying to get in Henderson’s good books to become that writer he truly wants to be, but he gets drunk and or high that he makes a fool of himself. Joe has to take him home, and Henderson ends up looking like a really good guy by trying to help him out.

Obviously Love is concerned and that line that the two of them were trying not to cross, breaks and they totally cross it. So much for Joe not being in a relationship.

On top of this, he’s got the real Will looking into Henderson… but he comes up clean.

Huh, but it is Forty who tells Joe that Henderson has a secret room…

Joe has found that room, and with the help of the real Will, he’s able to break into Henderson’s house and take the photos of all the underage girls he’s been with.

He passes them to Delilah to get Henderson arrested. But it doesn’t happen, apparently now that it’s not in Henderson’s possession it’s useless. Good job Joe. So now his next move is to get him to confess on camera.

That goes over as well as you’d hope. Ellie ends up at his house and because Joe now knows how to break into the house, he sees him drug Ellie’s drink. So he causes a distraction to really drug Henderson’s drink. So much so he’s able to move him into his soundproof secret room.

Joe gets him almost to the point of admitting on camera… that is until the camera comes on and he starts this sob story about how he was abused as a child and how Joe must be the same because he wouldn’t be there if he wasn’t.

Side bar for a second because we’ve been getting even more from his childhood and wow is he ever messed up. Like that doesn’t excuse anything he’s done, but wow fucked up. His mum was a whore pretty much and would leave him places to hook up with men, while his father would beat him to get information about his mum out of him. Geeeeezus.

Back to the present, Henderson gets away but Joe tries to stop him… accidentally killing him. Then he gets a bloody nose and the blood mixes with Henderson’s blood… so did Joe leave the body there?

Oh. My. God. So Forty goes to Austin to sell his pitch (the one “Will” told him was genius) Love goes with him; they are about to leave and Forty meets a girl he has this “instant connection” with… its Candace… who is now going by Amy… I swear they are both insane!

I don’t understand why Candace is lying… she doesn’t want anyone to know the truth… meaning he buried her alive.

Hmm, all this background we get on Candace and Joe is interesting. I honestly think she’s just as crazy. When she went to report that Joe buried her alive, there’s no proof that he did and the police say they looked her up and this may not be the first time this has happened. Interesting, I’d like to know more.

So we meet Love and Forty’s parents. They are interesting, they are very full of themselves and they really shouldn’t have had children. They don’t think Forty has a problem, that he’s just a lazy bum who doesn’t want to get a job and that Love is doing a shitty job protecting him. Uhm, she’s not his parent, she shouldn’t have to. How infuriating!

Once Forty ruins his parents wedding vows, that’s it for them. Thank god it’s over though.

So the police have ruled Henderson’s death a suicide and Delilah’s boyfriend copy guy wants the photos… but she doesn’t have them anymore, Ellie took them. Ellie has a hard time believing that Delilah was one of the girls in the photos, but this truly brings them closer together which I like. They decide to cut up the photos and flush them… that doesn’t seem like a very good idea. This is so going to come back to haunt them.

Oh, we spoke too soon because now they’re calling Henderson’s death murder… that I think Candace has something to do with… just like she does with Forty bringing Beck’s memoir to life in the form of a film. Yikes!

The truth is out, and I need to unpack this. Wow. I can’t say I’m super surprised with how it all went down, but I’m glad the truth is out.

So we find out that Love hired a PI to follow Candace/Amy because she doesn’t trust her. At first Joe thinks it’s him Love doesn’t trust.

Thinking he’s going to take care of Candace, he runs into the woman who owns the house she’s staying at. Meanwhile, Candace breaks into Joe’s apartment, where guess who is waiting for her… Love… with all the facts that the PI guy found out about her. That’s when Candace tells Love about ‘Will’ and that his real name is Joe… about everything he did to her.

When Joe does manage to get away from the woman holding him hostage, he finds Love in his apartment. She tells him she knows about Candace, that she’s gone, she gave her money and sent her on her crazy way. She tells him Candace called her Joe. And Joe just outright admits it, admits the whole thing, but of course he plays the victim tells her that Candace is crazy that’s why he fled New York, why he changed his name.

Oh boohoo Joe, boo fucking hoo. I’m glad that Love breaks up with him.

I also love love love the backstory (brief as it was) of her husband… they were so cute, and was it mentioned he was deaf? She also looks good with bangs… watching them together was cute, even when they fought, they were a cute couple. It’s too bad he died.

So after all that was said and done… Forty knows everything and Joe assumes that he’s been fired and Forty is just like nope, you’re a cool dude you can stay… uhm okay. This is not going to end well.

I’m also not surprised that Joe and Delilah have sex… like that was just waiting to happen. I would like to see where they take that plot because the relationship he’s created with them is actually decent… even if he’s trash.

Oh boy. So Joe starts to online date… in which I’m kinda confused so most people know that he’s Joe… but Ellie and Delilah still know him as Will… so won’t the truth come out?

Bahaha Joe and Delilah get arrested for indecent exposure for fucking in an alley.

Oh shit… so the cop who stopped Joe the night Henderson was murdered is Delilah’s friend… who breaks them out of jail… who then puts two and two together that it’s weird Joe/Will was out that night getting rid of expensive headphones the same night a big celeb dies… and this gets Delilah’s brain spinning.

It’s spinning so hard that she goes into Joe’s apartment and finds keys… keys that lead to the storage locker… where she goes… and Joe finds her… and lord he locks her up. No, no, no! I liked them as whatever they were… I know it was going to be ruined, but I liked their weird friendship.

Okay, ew. So this Milo guy shows up. Forty is there filling in all the blanks for Joe… apparently he’s this Australian guru if you will. He’s apparently Love’s husband’s best friend, who Forty can’t stand, and he always comes around when Love is vulnerable and he’s totally in love with her. But he seems so sleazy. When Forty tells him what he feels Milo loses it and Joe has to break it up. The fact that he spits at Joe’s feet is super gross. If you cared about this girl, you would know her brother means a lot or her, she’s all he really has as support… this Milo guy can’t seem to get that.

Love tells her brother he didn’t have to start that, (but really it was enviable) and she tells Joe she doesn’t need him to stick up for her. The question begging to be asked, is she going to go back to him?

Yes, the answer is yes. But Joe is already planning on leaving. But that is harder than he’d like.

He keeps Delilah locked in the room, handcuffed to a timer… her handcuffs will unlock in 16 hours… and he’s supposed to be out of the country… buuuut Forty.

Forty tries to get him to write this script, but of course Joe isn’t about it, then Forty hires people to kidnap them to write… them Forty drugs him so he’s high on 4 hits of acid, lord help him.

He’s seeing so much, so much guilty and his mother, Candace, all of it. He almost kills Forty… that is until Forty confesses that he killed a girl because he was so in love with her… the same way Joe killed Beck, so now he can’t let Forty go.

Oh, my god! Did he kill Delilah when he was high?!?! He goes to set her free in the morning, we 3 hours to spare only to find her in the cage… in a pool of her own blood.

Okay, so he’s admitting everything now?! So he spends a whole episode trying to figure out who killed Delilah… he honestly doesn’t think he did it and so he tries to retrace his steps… but it turns out no one really has the answers for him.

Then throw in the mix Forty called Candace for a booty call… right after Joe calls Delilah for what Forty thinks is a booty call. When Candace finds out that Joe called Delilah Candace gets suspicious. She goes to see her, but obviously she’s not there… it’s a video that Forty sent her that she figures out where Delilah is.

Meanwhile, Forty thinks she’s crazy and doesn’t believe a single word Candace is saying when she tries to tell him how bad Joe is.

Candace locks Joe in his cage, calls Love to expose him and that’s when Joe admits that Candace isn’t crazy and that he deserves what is brought upon him.

Well, I didn’t see that coming. Damn, Love kills Candace, huh? She tells Joe that she’s taken care of it… WHAT IS GOING ON!!?!?

I don’t know how much I care for the ending of this season.

So, we find out that Love is just as crazy as Joe is. It wasn’t Forty who killed the girl when he was young, but it was Love. She ready to kill anyone that gets in her way. Apparently she read up on Joe because she could tell when she met him that he was like her. Uhm, okay.

Joe is ready to kill Love until she tells him she’s pregnant… in which I didn’t believe, but I guess she actually is.

Then there’s Ellie we still have to worry about. Joe is really worried about her, but Ellie starts to fear Joe but it’s Joe who helps her to get away and start her new life.

Huh, so now Forty is changing his tune. He now believes that Love is in trouble, and when he tries to warn Love, she doesn’t want to hear it… instead she claims that he’s high, but he says this is the most sober he’s been and that he’s tired of tiptoeing around her crazy… woah. Then Forty pulls out a gun and he’s ready to shoot Joe, but that doesn’t go as planned.

Damn, I didn’t see that coming either. Delilah’s cop friend comes in and shoots, killing Forty.

For a second there, I thought that was how it was going to end. But we end with Joe preparing for fatherhood… only to see his neighbour is this book loving woman… so he’s going to strike again?!?!

Where is this show going?!? Like I don’t even know who you’re supposed to fear more, or who is more crazy? Are they going to becoming a killing duo? Man, this show is gone to some deep dark places. I like the flashbacks we get of Joe as a kid, and I like how psychological this is because it really makes you think but some of these plots were crazy out there. I truly believe there will be a third season… and I’m interested to see where it goes.

9 thoughts on “Let’s Talk About… You Season Two

  1. I stopped watching You half way through season one…. it’s this thing I do. I just forget about tv shows and get distracted by books 🙈🙈🙈 but wow this season sounds like a true head wrecker. What an utterly spectacular mess Joe makes of things 😂😂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I might do because Penn Badgley is hot…. yes I am shallow lmaoooo ….also convinced I spelled his surname incorrectly oops!!!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. HA! Hey, at it’s a motivator to watch, maybe you’ll even like the show! 😂
        And nope, you spelt his last name correct (yes I Googled it 😅)

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I enjoyed season one a lot more than season two but I did still enjoy watching and I will definitely watch the third season. I just felt as though there was a bit too much going on in season two and that left it a bit messy overall.

    I did enjoy it but I think it could have been better 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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