Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: The Orphan’s Tale

Hello friends, happy Wednesday! I hope you’re all having a good week so far. Today I’m going to be posting my review of Pam Jenoff’s novel The Orphan’s Tale.

The Orphan’s Tale

The Orphan’s Tale by: Pam Jenoff: Set during World War II, when Noa gets pregnant at sixteen her parents kick her out. Left to live above a rail station, she finds a boxcar full of Jewish babies waiting to go to a concentration camp. Grieving the loss of her own baby, she steals one and flees. She finds refuge at a German circus where she meets Astrid, where the two don’t get along at first but over time form a bond where their friendship could save one another. This novel was definitely for historical fiction fans, it touches on so much and really weaves a beautiful story. If you aren’t a historical fiction fan, this may not do anything for you. It was a good story and the plot was definitely engaging; the reader wanted to know what was going to happen to these characters because they cared about them. Jenoff did a great job of creating such beautifully rounded and well developed characters. They felt so real and the things they were put through really tested them and either brought them closer or farther apart. This novel was split into two points of view and that really broke up yet weaved the stories together really nicely. Even though it was slow paced, the writing was elegant and captivating and kept the reader interested. The plot was heart wrenching and took many twists and turns but the way it all came together in the end was really unexpected but also really nice. This was a wonderful tale of friendship and the lengths you would go for someone you love, in any form of the word. This was definitely a powerful engrossing read.

3 thoughts on “Review: The Orphan’s Tale

  1. Meghan!! This is such a wonderful review! I started getting into historical fictions this year and I’m always looking for recommendations so I am definitely going to put this on my TBR! It feels like such an emotional story 🥰💕

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