
Book Blogger Insider Tag

Hi friends! Today I’m at it again with another tag, I need to thank the lovely Camryn @The Writing Crafter for tagging me! Let’s get started!


  1. Answer the questions below
  2. Credit the creator: Camryn @The Writing Crafter
  3. Tag at least 5 people
  4. Have fun!

1.Where do you typically write your blog posts?

Like where I’m writing this one, on my bed. I don’t really have a designated place for it, but for the most part I sit on my bed and blog.

2.How long does it generally take you to write a book review?

This depends on when I finish the book I’m reading. I usually finish books at night so I throw my initial thoughts on a sticky before I go to sleep, then I’ll craft it up into a formal review the next day; writing that usually takes 20 minutes or so since I have my main points already written. If I finish a book during the day I usually sit on my thoughts and type them up as I think them, and this takes me more of an hour to write the whole thing.

3.When did you start your book blog?

This blog I started almost two years ago. The first year of its existence I used it to harbour all my thoughts, and it wasn’t really a ‘blog’. Now I’m definitely more active in the community.

4.What is the worst thing about having a book blog in your opinion?

Uhm, probably making sure I have enough content. I like to make sure I have something to post at least once a week.

5.What is the best thing about having a book blog in your opinion?

Being able to share my opinions with the community about everything I’m reading, and having people know what I’m talking about when I mention certain books. It’s also a lot of fun getting into the booksatgram community, I’ve never had so much fun taking photos!

6.What blog post have you had the most fun writing so far?

I have close to 300 blog posts, so to pick one is hard. I have to say (I know it’s not book related but) my TV Tuesday blog posts are fun to write. Any of the tags I participate in are also super fun.

7.What is your favourite type of blog post to write?

I kinda answered this in the above question (not realizing that this was the next question, I swear I read guys!). But to reinstate, TV Tuesday and tag posts are my top faves. They take the longest to produce, but it’s worth it.

8.When do you typically write?

Whenever I feel like it. Most of the time it’s whenever I get the chance to, so in between doing things I’ll sit down and write. Then on Saturday afternoons I prepare all my blogs for the week ahead.

9.Do you review every book you read?

Yes. I like to think no book is wasted, and deserves to be given an opinion.

10.How do you write your book reviews? With a cup of coffee or tea? With Netflix? Cuddled with your fur baby?

I feel like I answered this in question 2, but being a little more specific, if it’s during the day/ or evening it is quite possible I will have a cup of tea. Sometimes I’ll be listening to a podcast (which I normally have to pause so I can focus).

11.When do you write your book reviews? Right after finishing the book? Two weeks after finishing the book?

I also feel like I addressed this in question 2, but like I said there it depends when I finish the book. But it’s always pretty close to when I finished it. I hate leaving it, and I also don’t like starting the next book before I get all my thoughts together.

12.How often do you post?

I post 3-5 times a week. It’s not always book related, but I usually post 2-3 book related things a week.


Maggie @Massachusetts Novel
Birdie @Birdie Bookworm Blog
M @A Blog of One’s Own
Reg @SheLatitude
Sarah @Reading and Writing Posts

And anyone else who wants to do this tag! 😊


6 thoughts on “Book Blogger Insider Tag

  1. Wow, two years and 300 posts! That’s very dedicated of you, even if it didn’t originally start as a book blog the way it is now. Mine fumbled also at the beginning but I like to think that I’ve found my “place”. I agree 100% that one of the best parts of having a book blog is sharing your thoughts and opinions with others. 💕

    I really enjoyed reading this, so thanks for sharing, Meghan! Thanks also for the tag. ☺️


  2. I think it’s interesting, reading about how we all have our different systems for review writing. I feel a strong urge to write all my rituals here, in this comment box, but instead I’ll fill them all in on the tag. 😀

    Thanks for tagging me!

    Liked by 1 person

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