TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Creepshow Season Four

Hello friends, happy Tuesday, I hope you’re well! Today I’m bringing back TV Tuesday by talking all about Creepshow season four.

Read more: Let’s Talk About… Creepshow Season Four

This season follows the same format as the first three, anthology stories where each episode has two short stories. If you haven’t seen this and you plan to watch it, I spoil all the stories so read at your own risk!

This season started off ok… but man did it go downhill fast. I can only hope the rest of the season is better.

Twenty Minutes With Cassandra – It was really cool to see the Fall of the House of Usher actors in this… but that was the coolest part. This started off good, it had good witty banter, but that soon turned into heavy exposition with a terrible ending. It was so lacklustre because it just ends. So Cassie shows up at this woman’s house demanding to be let in because there’s a monster outside. At first the woman doesn’t believe her, but when the delivery man gets his arm cut off, she does. We slowly find out that Cassie created the monster because it used to be a mouse that she caught in a trap. You’d think that there’d be more action, but no. The monster shows up, and the woman has him sit on her couch to have a very lengthy conversation… in which he doesn’t kill her, nor she kill him. Instead, it’s a therapy session in which he feels tired and doesn’t want to kill anymore. Such a strange story to open the season on.  

Smile – This felt like an episode of Goosebumps with the polaroid camera. This award winning couple sit down to dinner and at the end of the night they have their photo taken, but in the picture it’s further away than the guy who took it was standing. As the night continues, they keep finding photos… of things that have already happened. Creepy, plus the music gave off spooky vibes. We find out the husband is a famous photographer and while in a war, instead of saving a little boy, he takes a photo of him and that kid drowns. So now, he’s seeing the ghost and is trying to drown it? But in the end… it turns into his son… effective, yet if the wife saw the photo before it was happening, why didn’t she try to stop it? Instead she just cries the entire time. I liked everything about the tables turning, just the wife was annoying. 

The Hat – I have to say, the fake author name is a funny homage to Stephen King, Stephen Bachman. Our main character, Jay, is a writer but he’s stuck. He wants to be the next Bachman, so his editor suggests getting a talisman or a good luck charm. He sees Bachman’s hat and his editor says he can borrow it… but he never gives the hat back. Instead he becomes possessed by the hat, writing like a maniac. So much so his girlfriend gets worried, then she gets tired, then she leaves, all the while he keeps writing and writing and writing. Bachman finds out he stole the hat and wants it back… but Jay refuses. After he’s written what feels like a million books, he tries to take the hat off, but it’s attached itself to his head, geez. Turns out the editor knew all along what would happen. Oh god it’s so gruesome and gross! That ending tho! When Jay tries to go back to his girlfriend… the thing has made it into her hat, yikes! I’m wondering if this is a dig at King’s writing process.

Grieving Process – This story didn’t go the way I thought it would. This woman gets attacked on her way home and she turns into a monster because of it. I thought she was turning into this really mean monster, but instead she’s this cross between a vampire and a werewolf, which felt kinda predictable. After her first kill, the two go into it together? They now kill together and he cooks their victims like a gourmet chef?! WTF? Ok this story took the craziest turn. He became what I thought she was going to become a sociopath. So she’s a wolf thing and he’s disassociated. Oh wow! So the person who attacked his wife, was a little girl… the same little girl that her husband ends up picking to try and feed to his wife… now they want to be a family. How creepily cute? Such a strange story, but I didn’t hate it as much as I thought I would. 

The Parent Deathtrap – Whoever wrote these parents didn’t do a great job of it because they were so stereotypical hateful parents, to the point that they were boring and more of a nuisance. I hated every moment they opened their mouths… which was ALL the time. So our main character, Lyle, is berated by his parents all his life, then in a fit of rage he kills them… but they don’t even die… they become ghosts who haunt and berate him, my god! All Lyle wants is to be happy, but his parents just won’t let him. He gets so mad, he almost kills them again… but it doesn’t work… and they all of a sudden love him? This makes no sense. Okay, this then gets even weirder because the girl Lyle wants to marry, Violet, has also killed her parents, but for money? So her parents are haunting her too? Bahaha. This story is so messed up. It ends on him going to jail for killing his parents, Violet and her parents… even when he didn’t commit them all. Violet set him up and he’s left with all their ghosts, my god that’s a total nightmare! 

To Grandmother’s House We Go – Now we have yet another story with an unlikable character, Marsha is obsessed with money and her upscaled lifestyle. So when she marries for money… but the guy dies, she doesn’t end up inheriting the money because the guy hadn’t updated his will yet. But she gets stuck watching the guy’s young daughter. So months later when she finds out the guy’s mother is dying, the daughter is going to inherit the money, meaning she’ll be rich… or so she thinks. So it’s off to grandma’s house… where they run into a monster in the woods. Oh I see, this is a little red riding hood retelling. They meet the wolf on route to granny’s. oh damn! I didn’t see that ending coming, I liked it! At first I didn’t think they were going to make it out of the woods, but they do. Marsha is going to do everything in her power to make sure she gets that money… even if it means saving the girl. We make it to granny’s only to reveal the little girl was the wolf and she ends up killing Marsha, daaaamn! What a twist, didn’t see it coming!

Meet the Belaskos – This vampire family move in across the street from a guy who really, really doesn’t like vampires… but then his son falls in love with the vampire daughter, go figure. Star crossed lovers. Now the dad is rounding up all his friends to hunt this family. So vampires are a thing in this world, but no one likes them and they aren’t wanted. But the daughter comes back and beats all the men who came out. We get this backstory on why the neighbour hates vampires, apparently they attacked his wife and he had to kill her to take her out of her misery. All the son can see is that his father killed his mother. He still doesn’t want him to murder his girlfriend and her family. So when they have the all out battle, they both get hurt. If he doesn’t get to a hospital he’ll die and if she stays out any longer she’ll die. We’re led to believe she risked her life to save his. Then we find out that she didn’t kill the father, but turned him into the thing he hates, a vampire. Oh damn. It was an alright story. 

Cheat Code – So you can tell that Jeff brings out this old game that he used to play as a kid, Weird Wednesday, to try and get his son to talk to him after the death of his mother. They start to have this bonding moment, but once he shows his friends that moment is gone. His one friend buys a used copy online, and another borrows that game. Then things start to get weird, the one who borrowed the game has gone MIA. Soon they realize that the cheat code that came with the online game is cursed and once you put it in, you become part of the game. I have to say, I really like the concept and it was so gripping to watch, but the acting in this is not great. It felt clumsy and overacted. As much as the acting wasn’t great, the story was. We don’t really find out how they got out of the game, but it had a sweet ending, for a horror story. Although, I feel like that game is going to come back somehow. 

Something Burrowed Something Blue – So Alison hasn’t seen or talked to her dad in years, but now he wants to have brunch with her. She says no… but then ends up there. While at brunch, her fiancé is cornered by her father and asked to keep a secret from Alison. He leads him to the basement where there’s this monster down there, and it needs to be fed every 15 years. Well, it’s been 15 years since her mother died, so we can all guess how she died. Her father is insistent they have their wedding at his house… again Alison says no, yet they end up there a little bit later. Her father wants her fiancé to find someone to feed the monster. And he does… so I thought he was going to choose the father… in which he does, but not after this big exposition speech on how Alison has known all along because her fiancé have the mother monster living in their basement… and that’s who they feed her father, too! This story felt quickly put together and felt rushed. I didn’t really care for it, nor was it that spooky, scary or suspenseful and the way it ended on a freeze frame, too so cheesy. 

Doodles – Oh boy, this story is pretty cool! Our main character’s doodles can come to life. When her drawings get stolen by another woman, she draws her dead and boom next day she’s dead. Spooky. Then she gets the job that was going to go the other woman, only to find out her boss is a piece of work… so she draws him dying as well, well I think we can all guess what happened to him. Now someone at work that she used to know is onto her and she can’t have that, so she uses her doodles to kill him too. But what she doesn’t realize is that while she’s fiercely scribbling in the yearbook over this guys picture… it bleeds onto her picture in the yearbook, causing her to die as well. This was so clever. I loved the plot; I loved how fast paced and creepy it was. It didn’t need a lot of time to explain what was happening and the characters were just the right amount of likeable to want to find out more. This is one of the good ones. 

George Romero in 3-D – I guess this was a tribute to the filmmaker of horror, George Romero. I thought maybe it was because he died recently, no he died in 2017, so they’re a little late to the tribute. I also know that he directed one of the Creepshow movies, probably the first one. So this story is about a bookstore who is really struggling and they need a miracle to stay open. One day the son of the shopkeeper finds these old comics and they realize they’re unpublished Romero works. When he puts on the 3D glasses, the zombies start to come out of the comic book and attacking people… but the only way to see the zombies is to be wearing the glasses. They don’t know how to stop them, but the one guy thinks to bring out George himself from the comic to help them, and he does. They formulate a plan to get them out. I have to say, I really liked the ending where the mom ended up turning into a zombie and killing the really rude, sexist, building owner, it was a creepy, justifying ending.  

Baby Teeth – Shelby has just had her last baby teeth removed and her mother wants to keep them… for a full set, creepy. We slowly start to learn that the mother likes to smother everyone in her life. She’s also got a creepy room in her house that looks like she hasn’t touched since her daughter was a baby. So we learn that the reason she’s kept the teeth was the keep the fae and the changelings away. But when Shelby’s friend finds the room, she freaks out and when trying to leave she stumbles. Then this creepy thing gets her and it gets Shelby. Omg was it ever so creepy, it felt like classic horror the way it attacked and the way the gore was shown, Oo so good! The in the end the creepy thing turns into a baby changeling… interesting. So it’s kinda like is this a cycle that keeps happening?! The mother tries to save the child but in the end the changeling comes and destroys the last one. So fascinating. At least it was a good story to go out on. 

This season had a bunch of ups and downs, but in the end I still enjoyed most of these stories!

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