Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Vengeance Road & Retribution Rails

Hi everyone, happy Wednesday! 😀 Today I’m going to be reviewing Erin Bowman’s novels Vengeance Road Retribution Rails.

Vengeance Road

Vengeance Road by: Erin Bowman: When Kate Thompson’s father is murdered due to a journal, and what lays inside, she takes it upon herself to go on this trek searching for answers and justice. What she gets along her travels is a lot more than what she thought possible, and as she gets closer to her answers, it only leaves her with more questions. This was definitely a captivating story, although throughout the middle the reader floats in and out of the story, but that ending rams them back in. This novel was fast-paced and a good adventure. It had all the elements a reader would want from an action packed novel. Even the bit of romance was done with style and in a graceful manner. Bowman’s characters are fierce and a force to be reckoned with; they are bold yet soft around the edges and that made them fun to read, plus it really amped up the plot. This was a novel that was honest, gritty and out in the desert which made for a compelling read.

Retribution Rails

Retribution Rails by: Erin Bowman: Reece Murphy has lived a life of crime, forced into a gang at a young age he has had to do things he’d rather not. When he meets Charlotte Vaughn, a budding journalist who has a past of her own, the two get together to use each other to get what they want. Talk about a fast-paced novel, wow. There was never a dull moment; the novel starts off a little shaky, but once the reader gets into the thick of the story, the novel just takes off. The fact that Bowman makes her chapters short, especially right when it gets to the height of the action makes the plot fly by giving this novel the perfect pacing. The little bits of romance sprinkled in just added to the heist of the story. It was good to see characters from Bowman’s first novel. These new characters were good, if not better than the ones in her last; they were so dynamic and the more the reader read about them the more there was to discover. The way the two novels complimented each other was done perfectly. The way plots weaved in and out left the reader in awe; this was truly an epic read.

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