Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Tricks & Traffick

Hi! Today I’m going to be reviewing Ellen Hopkins’ novel Traffic and the sequel Traffick.

Hello, I hope everyone is having a holly jolly holiday season- I just wanted to give a heads up that this may be my last blog of the year. I’ll probably have some reviews to post, but I’m not 100% sure when I’m going to post them due to working right up to Christmas and then Christmas itself. So if I don’t, I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year- see you in 2016! 🙂


Tricks by: Ellen Hopkins: A story of five teenagers who have families who don’t care about them and so therefore find themselves playing the game of tricks. It’s a very heavy subject, and one that is rarely ever talked about, prostitution. The novel takes the journey with each individual character from the good times, to the very bad times in a poem like formation that just captivates the reader. The story telling is brilliant, and is not sugar coated as to how life can be in that trade. It is almost like it’s an information pamphlet about prostitution and about the drugs that also goes on in the scene. It’s very informative and makes you really think about it, and how bad it is. It’s a really great read, like all her other novels that are just as influential on topics of drugs, and abuse, this one is no exception.


Traffick by: Ellen Hopkins: The sequel to her novel Tricks, takes the reader back into the lives of five teens who are from all over the United States who find themselves in Las Vegas selling themselves for sex. When we last saw these characters, Cody, Ginger, Eden, Seth, and Whitney, the reader didn’t know what was going to happen to them. This novel gives the reader an ending for them all, and it was done well. The characters all have a decent ending, because if it ended well, it wouldn’t be realistic. Hopkins gives them all endings that they deserve as victims of sex trafficking. The plots were well done, with some surprises along the way. Some were good, some not so good, but they all helped lead to hopeful outcome. Overall, if you have read Traffic, definitely read to continue with the characters, if you haven’t, read Traffic first then read this because it’s definitely an eye-opener to another world that most people are blind to.

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