TV Corner

Let’s Talk About… Heroes Season Two

Hi friends, welcome back to another TV Tuesday! This week I’ll be diving into season two of the show Heroes.

Season two was considerably shorter than season one, yet so much more happened it felt. This season was really all about the set up for what’s to come.

It takes a long time to really understand what this season is about. It’s still about good vs. evil but this takes on a virus and ‘the company’ and where people’s ideals lie.

There is also a lot of time traveling, which deviates from a linear timeline. This season starts four months after the first, but it isn’t until closer to the end we find out what happened in those four months. Plus, as we know Hiro can time travel, he spends most of his time in 1671, but he also jumps around near the end, and Peter visits the future. It all sounds confusing, but ends up making sense in the end.

What we ultimately learn is that everyone we’ve met, all of their parents are part of this secret organization who at first came together to make the world a better place and to make it safe for people with abilities. But as time went on, people in that group had different ideas of what good was. Claire’s father, Noah, joined that group and he wanted to do good as well, but over time he saw how corrupt it could be. Now his goal is to take it down, but it’s a lot harder than it seems.

Enter Bob, we meet him through Mohinder because Bob tries to get Mohinder to join the company, but Mohinder is smarter than that. I have to say Mohinder has become one of my favourite characters; he always tries to do the right thing, he doesn’t see a good and bad side, because with this company there really isn’t definitive lines.

Bob seems to be the head of the company these days. We learn as we go through the season that he’s like Noah in a sense, he has an adoptive daughter, Elle, who he’s worked on sharpening her skills. But the difference between Noah and Bob, is Bob doesn’t actually care about Elle, he’s just using her for his personal gain in the company. It’s actually so sad to watch her try to prove she’s worth something and her ‘father’ never cares. Meanwhile, Noah doesn’t want Claire near the company because he’s seen first-hand what it did to Elle. Noah actually cares, and you know what I actually kinda like his character.

It took a long time to warm up to Noah because he always seemed like the bad guy, always lurking in the shadows, doing mysterious things. Even when they move from Texas to California, become the Butler’s, he’s still hiding things. He tells Claire to lie low, and well telling a teenager that isn’t always the easiest. When she meets West, a boy who also has powers, he can fly (like her real father) this enrages Noah and he insists they must move.

Of course Claire doesn’t understand the implications because Noah has been hiding a painting that Isaac drew that shows Mohinder shooting him and Claire and West flying off together. Well, that does happen, but Mohinder is able to bring Noah back to life with Claire’s blood.

That’s the reason the company want her so bad, Claire’s blood. If you could be injected with it and come back to life, that’s powerful stuff. Plus, it could be the answer to a virus that was created years ago to wipe out the human population.

Enter Adam, or Kensi or whatever he seems to be going by. We first meet ‘Adam’ in 1671 with Hiro. When Hiro goes back in time he finds his childhood hero, only his hero is kind of a lazy drunk. It’s Hiro who puts him on the right path and helps him to become a true warrior. We also find out that Kensi, is like Claire, he can heal and regenerate himself. So once Hiro has completed his mission in 1671, he comes back to the future to find his father has been killed by… Kensi, or Adam.

The fact that he’s lived 400 years is crazy, but he helps form the company back in the 70s, only he’s seen so much that he thinks he’s doing god’s work to create a virus to wipe out the human race. It was Hiro’s father who stopped him back then, but now it’s poor Peter who gets dragged into this.

Peter has had quite the season, he starts the season with no memory, in a shipping container, in Cork, Ireland. All we know is that people are after him and we don’t know why. When we finally find out (8 episodes later) it’s that after he didn’t blow up New York City he’s taken to this jail, which is part of the company, to mute his powers with drugs. Well, on the other side in another cell is Adam. Adam uses his charms to talk Peter into stopping the drugs so he can gain his power back. Once he does, Peter’s able to break the both of them out of jail, only Peter gets caught and put in that shipping container and the man who erases memories takes all of them away.

I’m wondering because Peter can absorb powers is that why he can regain his memories? These powers aren’t really explored as much as they could be.

Well, now with Adam free he’s off to kill the founding members of the company. He only successfully kills Hiro’s father. He tries Peter’s mother, and Matt’s dad… I have to say we didn’t really get much of Matt’s dad but he’s a weird, weird dude. He can read minds, but he can also manipulate minds into thinking what he wants. So, Matt has this power too, and he uses it a few times.

We don’t get a lot of Matt this season, but what we do get, UGH, I’m glad he’s still alive. He’s adopted Molly and he’s like, the best dad. I like that he and Mohinder both look after her, it’s the freakin’ cutest. Their love for her is unmeasurable.

Back to Peter though, so while his memories are gone so are his powers, but slowly he starts to gain them back. Somehow he ends up in New York City a year in the future to see that the human race has been taken down by a virus and he knows he has to stop it. That’s when Adam finds him once more and convinces Peter to work with him to find this virus so they can “stop it”. Peter is so naïve that he doesn’t realize that Adam actually wants to use it to kill.

When Hiro time travels to find out who killed his father, since he could not save him, he realizes it’s Kensi and that he must stop him from killing again. Only Hiro gets stopped by Peter, and Peter won’t listen to reasoning.

Enter Nathan. Now, talk about character arc, this man went from being all high and mighty about himself, to losing himself completely to trying to become a better person, and well that didn’t end very well.

Nathan teams up with Matt to stop Peter and Adam. Nathan finally is able to talk sense into Peter, while Hiro fights Adam. It’s Hiro who time travels Adam into a coffin and buries him alive. Meanwhile, the vial of the virus Adam was holding floats in midair just in time for Peter to catch it and destroy it with his blasting powers.

Matt, Peter and Nathan (Claire included, but she gets talked out of it) want to expose the company. Nathan holds a press conference, which I thought was interesting since Nathan isn’t really anybody anymore and not from Texas… but he goes to expose that he can fly, but all he says is “I have the ability…” then gets freakin’ assassinated. Geez! I was really starting to like Nathan.

It’s definitely a crazy ending to the season, but before that I can’t forget to talk about Sylar. Than man is in the middle of nowhere, with no powers. All he wants is them back so he’s making his way back to Mohinder. On his way he finds two people who are also looking for Mohinder.

Enter Mia and Alexandro. They are twins, and Maya has this horrible power where she can kill people she doesn’t like without meaning to. Her anger gets too much and she possesses this toxin that kills everyone around her… everyone but her brother.

Now of course Sylar wants this power, so he’s willing to go with them. First he takes out Alexandro, then he conveniences Maya that they’re the same. It isn’t until they get to Mohinder that Mia learns the truth. Sylar tries to kill her but Elle of all people, comes to rescue them… she only did it because she wants to earn her “father’s” approval.

Mohinder was also working with Niki… I didn’t think she’s be in this season, and we barely got to see her, we did get a lot of Micah though, but Nikki wants to get rid of her powers for good and she’s gone to the company for that. Bob tells her it can be done, but you know that’s all lies. It’s Mohinder who actually came up with a solution… there are properties in his blood that can get rid of abilities… and apparently bring people back to life. But he doesn’t get to her in time as I’m pretty sure she’s dead.

She leaves Micah to live with his grandmother and we get to meet some more new characters. His cousin Monica also has abilities. Anything she sees on TV she can later replicate… it’s pretty cool and I’d like to have that power, thanks. She thinks she can use it to help Micah when his backpack gets stolen, but she only gets taken away by the guys who stole it. Micah insists that his mother help him, and to use her powers, but the meds she’s been on, she doesn’t have them. She’s able to get Monica out, but the place just explodes… so I’m willing to bet she’s dead.

I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s not because these powers are crazy. Like DL, I hated that we found out he survived the bullet wound… only to be shot 4 months later again and die… like why do that to the man?

This season was a whirlwind of information and learning more about this world. Clearly someone, I’m thinking Bob, wants to keep the company under wraps. But now that the virus has been destroyed, what’s going to happen?

We end the season on Sylar shooting up, I don’t even know whose blood… but his powers are back, yikes!

3 thoughts on “Let’s Talk About… Heroes Season Two

    1. Thanks! Ugh, it’s so good! As the seasons went on the show did decline, but I still thought it was a good show. The reboot, Heroes Reborn, I feel didn’t do the original show justice either!


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