Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Sudden Death

Hi guys! Happy Wednesday! I hope this week is going well for you all. Today I’m going to be reviewing Álvaro Enrigue’s novel Sudden Death.

Sudden Death

Sudden Death by: Álvaro Enrigue: This novel takes place over the course of a tennis match in the 1500 to 1600’s between different figures in history. From the Italian artist Caravaggio to England’s Henry VIII there is a lot to unpack in this novel. This was definitely something different and possibly not for everyone. The plot is hard to figure out; it has the underlying plot of the tennis match, but what it all represents may be hard to grasp. There is also a lot going on metaphorically and philosophically that really has to make the reader think about what’s going on. Chapters felt like they were all over the place and they didn’t feel connected, which didn’t help the reading flow. The writing was okay, but can’t be faulted as this is a translated book, originally in Spanish. There are still phrases left in Spanish and if the reader doesn’t know the language, the meaning is lost. That aside, this novel was short and sweet, so it was quick to read, but the content made it feel longer.

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