Memes · Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Really Liked but Can’t Remember Anything/Much About

Hello! 2018 is a new year so I thought it was time for some new changes. I’ve been toying around with the idea to start doing some memes for a while now, I figured why not give it a shot, and we’ll see how it goes. This is my first Top Ten Tuesday (obviously) and I’m thinking of doing this every other week so it can co-exist with my TV Tuesdays that happen every other week. So here’s to 2018 and flipping the script a little! 😉

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.

This week’s topic  is Books I Really Liked but Can’t Remember Anything/Much About.

  1. The Time Travellers Wife by: Audrey Niffenegger. I remember the concept of this novel, but not what actually went down.
  2. Lisey’s Story by: Stephen King. I remember really, really liking it, and the Ryan Adams song he used (When the Stars Go Blue) was a huge selling factor, but sitting here right now I couldn’t tell you the meaning/significance of the song.
  3. A Complicated Kindness by: Miriam Toews. I had to read this for school & I read it twice! I truly loved the book, but gosh no idea anymore.
  4. Pride and Prejudice by: Jane Austen. I liked it, but if I’m being honest… I don’t remember what happened.
  5. Shine by: Lauren Myracle. I really enjoyed this when I read it, but now I look at the cover and I couldn’t tell you anything… I think this book dealt with religion… I think.
  6. The Orphan Queen duology by: Jodi Meadows. I liked it at the time, but I don’t really remember the story.
  7. Vanishing Girls by: Lauren Oliver. I read this so long ago that I have no concept anymore.
  8. The Soul Seekers series by: Alyson Noel. I barely remember this 4 book series, all I know is it was the best series of hers I’ve read.
  9. The Same Sky by: Amanda Eyre Ward. I wish I remembered this more because I rated it 4 stars on Goodreads… and the cover is pretty.
  10. The Divergent Trilogy by: Veronica Roth. I really liked the first novel… then the second two came along and it felt like they were filled with fluff so after the first book I couldn’t tell you what happened at all.

And that’s all for me. Do you agree? Disagree with my choices? Let me know! 🙂

10 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Really Liked but Can’t Remember Anything/Much About

  1. Oh, damn… I’ve read Lisey’s Story about 7 years ago, and now you made me think about it. I think I remember it pretty well, especially some of the gruesome and graphic scenes. Not sure what that says about me, lol 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I read it 7 years ago too haha! Back when I was completely in love with Stephen King and I devoured so many of his books!
      I don’t even remember the gruesome stuff, but now that you mention it things are starting to come to mind.


  2. The Time Traveler’s Wife is a favorite of mine that I’ve read multiple times, so that one I could probably recall in detail — but I definitely have a problem with lots of books, even ones I love, after time goes by. I need to read Lisey’s Story! I bought a copy years ago…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I heard there was talks of making a sequel to the Time Traveler’s Wife, but I don’t know how true it is.
      I know, it’s so sad that we forget some of our great reads!
      Oh I hope you enjoy Lisey’s Story (even if I can’t remember what it’s about) If you read it and a post a review, maybe that will jog my memory! 🙂


  3. Great picks for this week Meghan. 🙂 Some of these are books I know I’ve read, like The Tine Travellers Wife and the first book in the Soul Seekers series at least, but I can’t remember anything about them. Seriously I may as well have not read them that’s how little I remember of them! I guess it’s impossible for us to remember all the books we’ve loved, especially when we read them once so long ago. 🙂

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