Memes · WWW

WWW Wednesday #29 🍓

Hi friends, I hope you’re all doing well. Welcome back to another WWW Wednesday; I thought this would be a fun way to see a snapshot of what I’m reading!

Welcome to WWW Wednesday! This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words. Just answer the three questions below and leave a link to your post in the comments for others to look at.


On page 969
On page 152
On page 186









The Stand: I’m 84% of the way through; It’s taken most of the book, but I’ve finally been introduced to the main villain, and he’s a villain in the sense that he uses kindness and compassion to get the reader to think he’s good, when he’s really rotten to the core. I’m definitely intrigued.
To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before: I’m 42% of the way through; let me say it again, this book is so cute! I’m not a big fan of Peter at the moment, but the whole fake dating plot is fun to follow along with.
Lastly I’m reading A Poison Dark and Drowning by: Jessica Cluess. I decided to start another ebook and save my physical books because they are so few and far to come by. I’m enjoying this and the continuation to this story has been intriguing. My goal is to finish this tonight, so we shall see!


I finished Felix Ever After by: Kacen Callendar. This book, you guys, it was a rollercoaster of emotions, but it was such a beautiful emotional ride. I loved every minute of it. There was so much talk of self love, that it really resonated with me, as well as Felix spent a lot of time question who he was, trying to find how he fit in, and even though it was a long hard path, it was such a beautiful journey. I definitely recommend this!



My hold for Just Mercy by: Bryan Stevenson came in the other day so this will be my next ebook read. I’m keeping Get a Life, Chloe Brown by: Talia Hibbert on my list here this week. I thought I was going to read it next, but I’ve switched back to ebooks from the library for now.

What are you all reading?

9 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday #29 🍓

    1. I definitely enjoyed it! It was a good first novel and I adored Henrietta she’s a great female character; the second novel really gives more depth to her character which I’m enjoying!
      I didn’t know about her new book until literally yesterday! The cover looks really pretty!

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  1. Ooh I really want to read felix ever after. It sounds so good!
    Glad you’re enjoying TATBILB! It’s such a cute read but omg, I found myself relating to the adult characters so much more than the teenagers when I read it. Was afraid it meant I had finally grown up 😂😂😂 I think that was book two though… but still. Don’t like being reminded of my alleged maturity 😅😅😅

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    1. It was really good! So good I’m having trouble writing a review for it… I find it harder to write reviews for books that hit close to home for me.
      It’s super cute! I don’t know why I waited so long to read it!! Oh haha! Sometimes I find myself relating to the adults in YA books 😂

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  2. Yay!!! I want to get Felix Ever After as well. Now that it has your stamp of approval, I’m sure I’ll love it 😀 Also, I’ve heard great things about Get a Life Chloe Brown, so hope you’ll enjoy it too 🙂

    With the Reading Rush finally over, I’ll focus on some ARCs this week again. I have two that will be released next week, so I should be able to read them on time. Lol

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    1. Alex, you’re too kind! ☺️ I hope you enjoy Felix Ever After!
      I’ve heard great things about Get a Life Chloe Brown too! I can’t wait to dive in!

      Sounds like you’ve got yourself a productive plan! 😃 I hope you finish the ARCs you plan to read!

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  3. Ahhh I’m so happy you’re enjoying to all the boys, it’s such a lovely read. I also can’t wait to read felix ever after, i’ve heard amazing things about this book! 😀

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