
The Fall Book Tag II

Hi everyone! Happy Thursday! 😀 Today I figured was a good day to post the Fall Book Tag, as it’s the last day of November, and the last day before the holiday season officially starts. I was tagged by the lovely Camryn @Camryn Daytona, thank you very much, now let’s get started! 🙂

Crunching Leaves: 

The world is full of colour – choose a book that had reds/oranges/yellows on the cover.

The book I just finished had red all over it:

Cozy Sweater:

It’s finally cold enough to don warm cozy clothing: what book gives you the warm fuzzies?

The Rosie Project gave me the warm & fuzzy feelings. That book was so sweet.

Fall Storm:

The wind is howling & the rain is pounding – choose your favourite book OR genre that you like to read on a stormy day.

Anything Stephen King would work here. His books are perfect for stormy days/nights (mostly nights though!)

Cool Crisp Air:

What’s the coolest character you’d want to trade places with?

Is it silly to say Cath from Fangirl? I would love to trade places with her even though we are very similar!

Hot Apple Cider:

What under hyped book do you want to see become the next biggest, hottest thing?

So I know Stephen King just had a TV show for his Mr. Mercedes trilogy, but I feel like no one knows about it! I would love for it to be bigger because it had a really good first season!

Coat, Scarves, and Mittens:

The weather has turned cold & it’s time to cover up – What’s the most embarrassing book cover you own that you like to keep hidden in public?

I don’t know about a cover that I own, but the first thing I thought of for this question was the Fifty Shades trilogy because when I read it I didn’t want anyone to see me reading it. I don’t care that people know I’ve read it, seeing me in the act of reading it is embarrassing.

Pumpkin Spice:

What’s your favourite Fall time comforts food/foods?

I’m so basic: I love me a pumpkin spice latte. Yep I said it. I also love stuffing, OMG I want IT ALL! 😀

Seeing as tomorrow is December 1 and the start of Christmas I’m not going to tag anyone as I feel this tag’s ship has sailed. BUT don’t let that stop you! If you feel like doing it, please, go forth and have fun! 🙂

4 thoughts on “The Fall Book Tag II

      1. If you’re looking for thriller I would definitely suggest Carrie, it’s one of his shorter works, also his first novel, but still packs a punch! The Shinning is on the smaller side and is a complete classic! If you’re not looking so much for thriller/scary my favourite novel of his 11/22/63 is a suspense/mystery, it is a little on the long side, but it’s so good! It gets hated on a lot because it’s not his typical fashion of writing, but I absolutely loved it! I hope this helped! 🙂


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