Weekly Wrap Ups

Weekly Update #39 πŸŽž

Hello friends, happy Friday and welcome to my Weekly Update!

Currently Reading:

On page 537
On page 126

The Bachman Books; 58% of the way; I continuing with Roadwork this week, and I finally understand what this book is about… it only took me all of the first part but it was spelt out by one of the characters and I went ohhh, I get it. Now I’m curious where the story is going to go.

Lastly, I’m reading The Fates Divide by: Veronica Roth. Yes, I decided to pick up the sequel even though I didn’t really like the first book. I’m not hating this one, I’m just finding it a little hard to care about anything that is happening to the characters. The good thing is that it’s fast-paced!

What I’ve Read:

Last week I finished We Are Okay by: Nina LaCour. This was a really heavy novel about grief but I enjoyed it so much. I love the way this was told between past and present to get that full picture. The characters were also really fleshed out too.

I also finished Pumpkin by: Julie Murphy. I loooved this so much more than I thought I would. I loved the story and the relationships and just everything was so good! Gah, I can’t stop gushing 😊

Lastly I read Wendy, Master of Art by: Walter Scott. So, speaking of gushing… I love Wendy; I have become very obsessed with her character and her adventures. This was my 11th Canada Reads book.

Last week I mentioned a project I was taking on for October and that project is reading a Goosebumps book every day of the month… yes that will be challenging, but that’s the fun in this. Today on the first I read Monster Blood, which I thought was thrilling in a fun way. I figured for all my wrap ups in October I’ll just give the briefest of descriptions of these books to keep it short.

Links to my my blog posts this past week:

Weekly Update #38 πŸ“Ό

Review: The Secret Chapter

Review: The Refugees

Links to posts I enjoyed around the blogosphere:

Samantha @Modern Witch’s Bookshelf questioned when did books get merch – this was such a well researched and well written discussion post on book box subscriptions, which was a great read!

Γ‰imhear @A Little HazeBook Blog posted a great piece on how she relates to poetry – I thought this was great, as someone who doesn’t connect with poetry very well, I love hearing how others connect to it!

My week started with a wedding! One of my best friend’s got married last Sunday. It was a nice, very small ceremony in her backyard with close friends and family. It was a beautiful day, the sun was shining, it was all so lovely!

Aside from that, my week has been very quiet. I took Monday off and it was nice to relax and read for the day.

What I’m watching:

Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life; this week I re-watched Spring and I enjoyed all the Chilton reunion stuff. Everything with Rory and her job situation was like a flashback to season 7 where she thought she was hot sh*t and everyone should want her… and even when the place that has been hounding her turned her down, made me laugh. I also enjoyed all the therapy stuff with Lorelei and Emily.

Chapelwaite; season 1. I think I’m going to have to re-watch this at some point because the way this week’s episode ended… WHAT?! Lo is my favourite of Boone’s children so I need to know she’s okay! Everything is still really creepy and things still have an air of mystery around them.

The Good Doctor; season 5. I’ve lost track of what season this show is at, but it has returned with a new season. I watched the premier and they are planning for Shaun and Leah’s wedding, which is cute. Also! The whole plot to see the hospital being sold to who we thought was a neurotic patient… who wasn’t really a patient, wow – didn’t see that coming.

Station 19; season 5. This shocks me that we’re in the 5th season of this show… where is the time going?! The new season kicked off this week and man, a lot of things that went down in the finale of last season are getting their consequences now. I also can’t stand that Dean can’t tell Vic he loves her… he keeps getting SO close!

Grey’s Anatomy; season 18. Here we are, another season rolling in. So this and Station 19 decided to move past Covid and jump months into the future so it’s over in these worlds… which I’m kinda thankful for because seeing it portrayed in TV as well as the news was a bit much. Anyways, this season has started off chaotic as usual and SO many weddings, everyone is getting married… or not married in Link’s case (I don’t understand why he’s not getting it that Amelia said no, she keeps saying no… why do you think she’ll change her mind?!).

The Dead Zone; season 6. I’m still plugging away at this season. Like I mentioned last week, I’m not really liking this season because most of the characters have left and the addition of the new sheriff isn’t really doing anything for me. Plus, we’re back to the will they/won’t they with Johnny and Sarah. I’m tired of the back and forth of it.

Schitt’s Creek; season 6. Seeing Stevie follow Johnny’s advice for how they can save the new motel they bought was really sweet because it’s like Stevie has become part of the family. And I continue to love all the wedding planning.

What I’ve watched:

Sadie’s Last Days on Earth. This was an interesting movie. Basically, after doing a school project Sadie realizes that the world is going to end, and she’s paranoid no one is taking her seriously; she’s changed her room into a bunker and pretty much gone off the deep end. This doesn’t really showcase mental health and anxiety in the best light. She creates a list of things she wants to do before the end of the world, which were all very personal to her and slowly, with the help of one of the boy’s from school she’s able to start crossing things off. It was a fast-paced movie, that I probably won’t watch again.

My latest Instagram posts from this week:

9 thoughts on “Weekly Update #39 πŸŽž

  1. Thank you for the shout out! I’ve been meaning to rewatch Gilmore girls but I know it would be a big time commitment and I’m just not in that headspace yet! Though, I do agree with you about Rory. I was always a little β€œHa!” After she was so smug.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re welcome! πŸ˜ƒ
      I know what you mean. I spent the past year every Saturday afternoon watching a few episodes. It was definitely a time commitment. Omg Rory, ugh even this last episode I watched she felt so entitled to everything πŸ˜‘

      Liked by 1 person

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