WWW Wednesday #43 πŸŽƒ

Hi friends, I hope you’re all doing well. Welcome back to another WWW Wednesday; I thought this would be a fun way to see a snapshot of what I’m reading!

Welcome to WWW Wednesday! This meme was formerly hosted by MizB at A Daily Rhythm and revived on Taking on a World of Words. Just answer the three questions below and leave a link to your post in the comments for others to look at.

I can’t believe we’re down to the last 10 weeks of the year – it’s both flown by yet stayed still. What a whirlwind 2020 has been.


On page 173
On page 384
On page 31

Night Shift: I’m 35% of the way through; I don’t know what to say this week – one the one hand, I liked the short story for its story and its suspense and the ending was really good; but then on the flip side King had to make his main character super offensive, like WHY?!

The Fellowship of the Ring: I’m 70% of the way through; it has now become Winter and they are journeying with the ring – it’s slow but I love the descriptions and reading about the characters.

Lastly, I’m readingΒ The Lost Book of the White by: Cassandra Clare & Wesley Chu. I just picked this up today and I’m not very far yet. I’m on the second chapter and it’s been okay – I don’t have many thoughts just yet.


I finished Origin by: Dan Brown. I’ve read all of Brown’s Robert Langdon novels and each one always seems to be better than the last – this one was no exception. This was suspenseful and full of facts that I was Googling as I was reading because I kept going, ‘that really happened?!’. I also want to say that reading this during a global pandemic and having Brown muse about human extinction was slightly terrifying. The ending was lacklustre for me in the sense that I didn’t like who was behind everything, but this was still a great novel.

I also finished A Blade So Black by: L.L. McKinney. GUYS, I finally read this! It’s only been on my TBR since August! I’m so glad I read it because it was a lot of fun, it was so fast-paced and just full of action. I now need to buy the second book now!


I’m proud that I’ve gotten my “past week” reads down to 1!

Each of Us a Desert by: Mark Oshiro

I’m now adding a fresh batch of library books to the list this week! I just got back from the library a few hours ago and picked up 4 books:

Speak by: Laurie Halse Andersen (this will be a re-read)
The Amateurs by: Sara Shepard
We Are Still Tornados by: Michael Kun & Susan Mullen
Last Seen Leaving by: Caleb Roehrig

What are you all reading?

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