Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: 99 Lies

Hello friends and happy Friday! Welcome to the end of another week, I hope you’re all doing well. Today I’m posting the sequel to Rachel Vincent’s 100 Hours duology, 99 Lies.

Read more: Review: 99 Lies

You can read my review of book one: 100 Hours

99 Lies

99 Lies by: Rachel Vincent: After six teens were held hostage in the Colombian jungle, some of them have now been rescued. Genesis and her ex Holden are still being held captive due to the choices their families have made. While in captivity, Genesis learns secrets of her family, secrets that haunt them and could be bad news. This novel was slightly better than the first and sort of redeemed itself by having the characters start to recognize their behaviour and try to do better. As for the plot, this was still a bit of a hot mess. So much was happening at one time that there was never a dull moment and that made it a really quick read; it was fast-paced and everything was go, go, go, no one had a chance to breath. The author kept throwing more into the story that at times it was hard to keep track of what was happening and to who. There were also so many times when things got so crazy they stopped feeling believable. The reader didn’t like that the author kept trying to focus more on the relationships of these characters and not about the big drug plotline she created. The drug plot alone was so interesting and worth investing in, if only it was given more room to expand and develop, instead we got the ups and downs and complexities of their romantic entanglements. As for the characters, the few from the first book who were decent, stayed decent and helped some of the others to start changing their ways. About half way through the story the reader could see the shift in a few of the main characters and it made it more of an enjoyable read. Other characters became a lost cause, while there was still this other character who we’re told was a thirty-two-year-old, who’s dating a sixteen-year-old; the reader thought that was strange. His whole background and anonymity felt off; the reader felt like there was going to be more secrets about him, but we got none and his character felt unfinished. Overall, this did close off the story, but not before bringing new mysteries and lies to the surface first. All that aside, this was a really quick read with some characters who changed for the better.

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