Fiction · Novels · Reviews

Review: Lisey’s Story

It’s Thursday, which means it’s Throwback Thursday! On this first Thursday of the month, I’m hitting us off with some Stephen King and his novel Lisey’s Story.

Before I get to my review I just want to say that I’m actually almost all caught up with every review I wrote, can you believe it? That being said, this segment may be turning a new leaf soon. I have ideas floating around in my head, so stay tuned, and please keep enjoying! 🙂

Read: June 2012
Rating: 4 Stars

Lisey’s Story

Lisey’s Story by: Stephen King: Bools, ghouls, and things that go bump in the night. Lisey a widow for two years is now only going through her husband’s things, as he was a famous writer. What she finds as she does is things she doesn’t want to remember, but she has to in order to save herself, and save her sister. There was a good plot, and a great story, but the story seemed to drag on and on, it got really dry along the way many times and it didn’t really need to be 500 pages, the book could have been 300 and it still would have been really good. The pretty words didn’t help the story, but dragged the story, not something to read a second time.

4 thoughts on “Review: Lisey’s Story

    1. I really liked 11/22/63. It’s about time travel, and solving who actually killed Kennedy; not really scary I really really liked it. Uhm Carrie was really good. If you are looking for scary I wold say the classic: The Shining. I recently read his Bill Hodges trilogy and that was scary but made for a really good read!

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