Novels · Reviews · Teen Fiction

Review: Unhooked

Hi guys! Happy Wednesday! Today I’m going to be reviewing Lisa Maxwell’s novel Unhooked.


Unhooked by: Lisa Maxwell: Gwendolyn has always thought her mother strange when she said monsters are going to get them, that is until one day she and her best friend Olivia get kidnapped by one of these monsters. Sent to Neverland, a dark and twisted place, much different than the ones in the fairy tales, Gwen now struggles to get back home having to make the right decision to get herself home safely. This was definitely an action packed retelling of Peter Pan. The plot was really well done; it was engaging and quite engrossing. The reader didn’t want to put the book down. Maxwell did a great job of recreating characters that the reader already knows; even the title of this book is very clever once you’ve read the story. The writing was good and her characters were fresh and original, especially Hook. The strange romance plot at first had no appeal, but as the reader continued, it actually played out really well in the end. Overall, this was a fun and entertaining retelling.

3 thoughts on “Review: Unhooked

  1. I’m really glad you enjoyed this book Meghan, and reading your review has made me think I should add Unhooked to my TBR list too. I’m a huge fan of fairytale retellings and the only thing better than a straight-up fairytale retelling is one that is slightly dark and twisted, like it sounds like Neverland was in this book.
    Great review. 🙂 ❤

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